".......That is where I come from A. But you are NO Badan, woman or man :-).

My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your fellings however. It NEVER was
my intention."

C'da, Please do not apologize. It will make me feel very small.

I am not hurt at all, just a little angry - as long as you do not combine,
analyze and induct everybody into the group of people that I am talking
about (even though you should have known exactly what I meant), and give
your assumption, I will be fine.

No, I am not including the teacher who MAY be doing private tution etc., I
am including the people who DIRECTLY eat the public money - and those are
NOT the ONLY people that Assam has. Assam has people that they exploit - my
friends and family and many other poor folks - and I am arguing on behalf of
them - then how AM I "trashing the Assamese people"?

I will be quiet if needed, but would definitely not like to be blamed for
something that I haven't done.

Please do not analyze the (Obvious) reasonings and twist and drag them to
something totally different, like a strangely challenged lawyer would do.
And I said "like a strangely challenged", now please do not conclude that I
called you names and/or trash all lawyers too - I want to be on the good
side of all of you. :)

With regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam

>But what is the context here, C'da? Isn't it about them exploiting the
>COMMON Assamese only? How are you generalizing me "trashing" the Assamese -
>if I am doing that at all, then it is the "ghus-khur sur"s that I am doing
>it too - and that too for them sucking the blood out of the poor ASSAMESE
>ONLY. To me, it does not matter if the suckers are Assamese or Non-Assamese
>- they are 'sur', period. Would it to you?
>There is only 1 inch left for you to call me a woman "Badan", and sadly
>is, in the very wrong context.
>with regards,
>A very disappointed - Alpana.

*** If I read you correctly, you are saying that a lot of Assamese, those
in power of various sorts, prey on the people of Assam. Some of these
predators are  "ghus-khur sur"s. Others are 'terrorists'.  Yet others might
be ordinary folks, like your school teacher, the policeman on the beat, a

It just so happens, that most of those in power in Assam today participate
in graft and other forms of corruption. Some do so to enrich themselves to
obscene levels. And there are others who do that barely to survive. There
are those who get into other such practices that might NOT be like bribery
or stealing from the public coffers, but the net effect might be the same.
The low-paid teacher who has to resort to private tuition, in dereliction
of his duties at school, falls in this category. There are many more. Since
you do not differentiate between them, do not even attempt to understand
WHY or HOW they become what they do; and they are plenty of people, almost
all Assamese too; the net effect is that you are trashing the Assamese
people; perched in a high platform, safe from the forces that drive so many
of our folks to resort to these practices.

In that I stand by my use of the word. Even though I won't ever charge you
of intentionally trashing the people of Assam-- all of them that is.

The REASONS for the skyrocketting incidences of corruption are many. They
MUST be taken into consideration in assigning culpability. And if we do not
consider the source that breeds the conditions in which corruption is
thriving in Assam, particularly when we KNOW what they are, then the
finger-pointing becomes UNFAIR, even galling.

That is where I come from A. But you are NO Badan, woman or man :-).

My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your fellings however. It NEVER was
my intention.


At 1:34 PM -0500 9/30/02, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
>>"These exploiters don't need Delhi's help to exploit the common
>> >Assamese.>They have been doing it for decades and have fattened
>> >themselves on the>sweat of the common people. No matter how much >money
>> >Assam gets, if these>parasites are not locked up, the common Assamese
>> >will always suffer, because>the money will never percolate to them. It
>> >will either stop at Dispur or go>in some corrupt (flood control, pwd,
>> >etc.) engineers' or officials' pockets."
>>*** The above are all Assamese folks aren't they? Or are you excluding
>> >the>not-so-nice  people of Assam when you talk of the 'Assamese >people'
>>?  I>could be wrong, but I thought when you talk of the >Assamese people,
>>it>includes the good, the bad and the 'terrorist' too.
>But what is the context here, C'da? Isn't it about them exploiting the
>COMMON Assamese only? How are you generalizing me "trashing" the Assamese -
>if I am doing that at all, then it is the "ghus-khur sur"s that I am doing
>it too - and that too for them sucking the blood out of the poor ASSAMESE
>ONLY. To me, it does not matter if the suckers are Assamese or Non-Assamese
>- they are 'sur', period. Would it to you?
>There is only 1 inch left for you to call me a woman "Badan", and sadly
>is, in the very wrong context.
>with regards,
>A very disappointed - Alpana.
>>From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam
>>Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 11:44:03 -0500
>>At 11:01 AM -0500 9/30/02, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
>> >>*** No one would doubt your empathy Alpana. That is not the issue. We
>> >also
>> >> >know that when you go trash the Assamese people, you trash ONLY >the
>> >> >ones; even though from the sounds of your notes, almost all >of Assam
>> >>seem
>> >Trashing the Assamese people, C'da? How could you accuse me of that?
>>"These exploiters don't need Delhi's help to exploit the common Assamese.
>>They have been doing it for decades and have fattened themselves on the
>>sweat of the common people. No matter how much money Assam gets, if these
>>parasites are not locked up, the common Assamese will always suffer,
>>the money will never percolate to them. It will either stop at Dispur or
>>in some corrupt (flood control, pwd, etc.) engineers' or officials'
>>*** The above are all Assamese folks aren't they? Or are you excluding the
>>not-so-nice  people of Assam when you talk of the 'Assamese people' ?  I
>>could be wrong, but I thought when you talk of the Assamese people, it
>>includes the good, the bad and the 'terrorist' too.
>>It was
>> >about the 'ghush-khur's (and in Assam, the context here, majority of
>> >people are the Assamese)- the ones that eat up the public money who in
>> >are exploiting the COMMON Assamese people only (people like my friends
>> >family). So would you point out where I am "trashing" THE Assamese
>> >and NOT the 'ghus-khur's?
>>*** But thats why I wrote:"--- We also
>> >>know that when you go trash the Assamese people, you trash ONLY the bad
>> >>ones;"
>>You are being ruthless with me A.
>> >Moreover, what do you think I am, C'da? Bihari/Madraji/Chinese or
>>*** Now why would I think of you like that? Gimme a break, would ya?
>> >Even Billy Crystal(?) didn't (kinda) have the heart to throw De
>> >mama from the train, and you plan to throw me already? I thought you
>> >fair minded person (who believes in 'kothare kotha kaataa')  who
>> >non-violence, even when he/she loses the battle. :(
>>*** That's it. Billy Crystal and Danny De Vito alright.  You saw the
>>How did you like it?
>>It was just an illustrationn of a point A. I have no plans to suggest to
>>anyone to give YOU such a treatment. Honest :-).
>>PS: More and more it looks like your definition of 'terrorist' is a work
>>progress. But I am sure you will get it right one of these days.
>> >>learn something new. I think I get it, finally--that if someone is not
>> >>Gandhian (non-viloent) then he is a terrorist. No wonder we see the use
>> >
>> >You forgot the main criterion, C'da. They KILL people!
>> >>From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>To: "Alpana Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> >>Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam
>> >>Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 09:16:56 -0500
>> >>
>> >>At 1:01 AM -0500 9/30/02, Alpana Sarangapani wrote:
>> >> >> *** Holy mackerel! ULFA as the non-violent reformer ? You must have
>> >>been
>> >> >> reading too much fiction. Where did this idea come from?
>> >> >
>> >> >Who else? From you and a handful of netters who have always been
>> >>maintaining
>> >> >that they are not violent (ie not terrorists).
>> >> >I've never heard of non-violent terrorist. So, now you admit that
>> >> >people are terrorists. We can put that to rest now.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>*** I did? That definitely is news to me Alpana. As they say, you
>> >>learn something new. I think I get it, finally--that if someone is not
>> >>Gandhian (non-viloent) then he is a terrorist. No wonder we see the use
>> >>the epihet so often. Thanks for putting the mystery to rest. We owe you
>> >>:-).
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >> Pothar :-)? I could use his simile in my case too. Someone has to
>> >>up
>> >> >> for the people of Assam. I try my little part.
>> >> >
>> >> >What do you think we are? Going against the people of Assam?
>> >>
>> >>*** Why would I think a thing like that A ? I know I annoy people, even
>> >>enrage some. But I don't go about casting aspersions on their
>> >>Oh, occasionally maybe. But only when the arguments become way too
>> >>disingenuous, not when they are merely child-like :-).
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >In your case,
>> >> >you will somehow or the other, find an invisible link to some one in
>> >>Delhi.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>*** You are seeing the picture now. I SEE things that many don't. And
>> >>pretend they don't. The INVISIBILITY is a relative term in this
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >The rest of us can see the real picture - the real suffering of the
>> >>common
>> >> >people of Assam and the real perpetrators who are full blooded
>>Assamese -
>> >> >the exploiters.
>> >>
>> >>*** No one would doubt your empathy Alpana. That is not the issue. We
>> >>know that when you go trash the Assamese people, you trash ONLY the bad
>> >>ones; even though from the sounds of your notes, almost all of Assam
>> >>like that today. You are always on the side of the good, (mom and apple
>> >>too). I won't hold it against you. You chastise the Assamese people
>> >>good mother does her son. All for his good. To have him shape up, mend
>> >>ways.
>> >>
>> >>We know that.
>> >>
>> >>But when a good mother goes about chastising the child , with reason or
>> >>without, the child might begin to think of the well intentioned mother
>>as a
>> >>nag.  And sometimes even worse. Reminds me of the movie 'I Threw Momma
>> >>the Train' ( Danny De Vito et al) :-)?
>> >>
>> >>But seriouslty, we need to understand WHY so many in Assam, and much
>> >>of them elsewhere in India, turn CORRUPT. Like the child, they are NOT
>> >>that way. You can understand that, can't you? If it is not an innate
>> >>condition, something else is the reason that turns them bad. I would
>> >>suggest you give that some thought. I have an ulterior motive in
>> >>that: so you won't perceive *me* as the Dhritarastra or a terrorist
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >Assam has 2 major problems. One is corruption at all levels, and 2nd,
>> >> >insurgency problem.
>> >>
>> >>*** I could name a few more. But I will go along with you. (It is no
>> >>getting you mad!). Guess what, BOTH are related. Has the same mother in
>> >>case of Assam. I'll let you figure out how. But if you can't, let me
>> >>I'll help out.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >These might sound like a broken
>> >> >record to you now, but you seem to be living in utopia, that there is
>> >> >corruption in Assam, and if there is any, it is coming from Delhi.
>> >>
>> >>*** You have really taken to putting words in my mouth A. I hope that
>> >>not a sign that you are running out of arguments :-).  I NEVER, ever,
>> >>there is no corruption in Assam. In fact I was one of the first here in
>> >>this net to dwell on that when, some years back we started debating
>> >>issues. But I see the roots of corruption residing in issues that you
>> >>seem to see. That is where the disjuncture is.
>> >>
>> >>BTW, I live in Florissant, MO. Utopia is in North Lakhimpur :-).
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >Do they
>> >> >have a corruption training camp in Delhi where the Assamese
>> >>go
>> >> >and "learn" how to take 'ghus'?
>> >>
>> >>*** You might HAVE stumbled on to a great piece of revelation here A.
>>As a
>> >>matter of fact there IS a Corruption training camp. Make it an
>> >>IIC-Delhi. One of the world's best. Indeed many of Assam's luminaries
>> >>the field are graduates from there .And in fact many are adjunct
>> >>in the extension units of the NE.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >Its high time we come to our senses and eradicate the culprits at
>> >>
>> >>*** What do you suggest Assam do? How would YOU go about doing it? How
>> >>would you cut off the nutrients that feed the corrupt and sustain them?
>> >>would you put the fear of god in them? How would you turn things
>> >>
>> >>I'll tell you this: prayer is not the answer. Nor calling names.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >When
>> >> >that is done, we can collectively go after the thieves in Delhi who
>> >> >exploiting us.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>*** Do you really believe there are thieves in Delhi? Or exploiters?
>> >>on A., you don't have to throw that in as a sweetener. We can take the
>> >>bitter pills of Assamese corruption and failures :-).
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Have a nice day.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>c-da
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >These exploiters don't need Delhi's help to exploit the common
>> >> >They have been doing it for decades and have fattened themselves on
>> >> >sweat of the common people. No matter how much money Assam gets, if
>> >> >parasites are not locked up, the common Assamese will always suffer,
>> >>because
>> >> >the money will never percolate to them. It will either stop at Dispur
>> >>go
>> >> >in some corrupt (flood control, pwd, etc.) engineers' or officials'
>> >>pockets.
>> >> >
>> >> >Assam has 2 major problems. One is corruption at all levels, and 2nd,
>> >> >insurgency problem. One feeds the other. These might sound like a
>> >> >record to you now, but you seem to be living in utopia, that there is
>> >> >corruption in Assam, and if there is any, it is coming from Delhi. Do
>> >>they
>> >> >have a corruption training camp in Delhi where the Assamese
>> >>go
>> >> >and "learn" how to take 'ghus'?
>> >> >
>> >> >Come on C'da, you are preaching to the choir here, we are from Assam
>> >> >and we've helplessly seen the corrupt all along. The last thing they
>> >>is
>> >> >some moral support and justification for their actions.
>> >> >
>> >> >Its high time we come to our senses and eradicate the culprits at
>> >>When
>> >> >that is done, we can collectively go after the thieves in Delhi who
>> >> >exploiting us.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >----- Original Message -----
>> >> >From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >To: "Alpana Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> >> >Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 10:30 PM
>> >> >Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >> At 8:28 PM -0500 9/29/02, Alpana Sarangapani wrote:
>> >> >> >Why has it been so hard, C'da? In all your magnanimity, you should
>> >>have
>> >> >been
>> >> >> >able to point the finger at the culprits, especially when it is so
>> >> >obvious.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** That is probably where my troubles lie A. I can see things that
>> >>some
>> >> >don't.
>> >> >> And the obvious is not always where the problems lie.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >How long do you plan to cover up for such people - your love for
>> >> >knows
>> >> >> >no bounds.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** Wasn't it Digambar PUngta who said his heart is wide like
>> >> >> Pothar :-)? I could use his simile in my case too. Someone has to
>> >>up
>> >> >> for the people of Assam. I try my little part.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >It is there on the first sentence - I pasted it here again:
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >>GUWAHATI, Sept 27 : The State Education Department has  failed
>> >> >bring
>> >> >> >> >>much of a change in the educational scenario even after
>> >>Rs
>> >> >> >> >>15,000 crore in the last 15 years. No other department of the
>> >>Assam
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >You don't think I have inside information, do you?
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** No I don't really think you do Alpana. Never did. I do think
>> >>fall
>> >> >> for the headlines at face value. Unfortunately what is on the
>> >>is
>> >> >> the symptom only. The causes lie elsewhere. If you never go to that
>> >> >> 'elsewhere' you will never know why the things happen that get you
>> >> >> upset.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> share. How the whole thing seems to work in your view that is,
>> >>ending
>> >> >up
>> >> >> >> with what you so passionately point out for our benefit.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >Why? Don't we all know it? That was there in the report too:
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >>Official sources told The Sentinel  that corruption and other
>> >> >> >malpractices
>> >> >> >> >>are responsible for the poor show of the  Education
>> >>The
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** That is one more example of a facile assessment. Nobody asks
>> >> >> corruption happens, and why it continues to get worse. And since
>> >> >don't
>> >> >> ask, they will never know either.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >And you asked me how to rectify? Isn't that easy too? Corruption
>> >>all
>> >> >> >levels need to go!
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** I knew you must have had a solution A. Yes indeed--corruption
>> >>go.
>> >> >> But HOW do you go about performing that disappearing trick on
>> >>corruption
>> >> >is
>> >> >> the big question. Indian rope trick won't work though. I have this
>> >>to
>> >> >> suggest holding a good Indian style democratic election and vote
>> >> >> corruption. But I won't get you more angry. I do enough already
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >And I hear, everybody thought ULFA was starting to do
>> >> >> >just that (without violence!),
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** Holy mackerel! ULFA as the non-violent reformer ? You must have
>> >>been
>> >> >> reading too much fiction. Where did this idea come from?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> But seriously WHY did Assam need an ULFA to initiate reform Alpana?
>> >>Ever
>> >> >> thought of  that?
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >but then the story took a turn for the worse
>> >> >> >and now we even have a bigger mess - corruption with a vengeance!
>> >>power!
>> >> >> >hatred and killings!
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** So. Was it the ULFA government that pushed Assam from the
>> >>pan
>> >> >> into the fire? To tell you the truth, I don't think ULFA ever was
>> >> >power,
>> >> >> in charge. Really. To have expected ULFA, with the Indian army on
>> >> >back,
>> >> >> to save Assam is the height of delusion is how I see it.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >Delhi is corrupt, yes!
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** Really? Why? What is Delhi's excuse? Terrorists?
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >But in many cases like this, Delhi does not figure in
>> >> >> >this at all.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** Oh? Ever asked where Delhi gets the money? Believe me, there is
>> >> >> money tree plantation at Indraprastha. And they can PRINT only so
>> >>It
>> >> >> must come from somewhere else. Delhi collects its wealth from the
>> >> >flung
>> >> >> empire. So that, in its enduring generosity and with its vast
>> >>can
>> >> >> redistribute what they collect, commensurate with the vassals'needs
>> >> >> deservedness, as determined by the wise at Delhi.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Having collected and redistributed the wealth with its innate
>> >> >Delhi
>> >> >> washes its hands of any responsibility. And when it stays engaged,
>> >>does
>> >> >> only to make sure its interest is served. And that interest is
>> >>for
>> >> >> one,  by rewarding those who sing its praise. And how does that
>> >>interest
>> >> >> jive with the people of Assam's interests?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> That my friend is the big mystery of it all.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >Delhi sent the money, and the "patriots" of Assam grab all that
>> >> >> >money for their own purposes. If Delhi is at fault, the only thing
>> >> >can
>> >> >> >say is that they don't ask for proper accounting from the state.
>> >> >course,
>> >> >> >if they did that, you and your ilk will still get upset.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** I see. Delhi does not do what it ought to, because MY ilk might
>> >> >> upset. Whew, never realized how sensitive Delhi is to my ilk's
>> >>and
>> >> >> dislikes.
>> >> >> Tsk tsk, Alpana. I expected more from you :-).
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >--why do you act like Dhritarashtra all the time?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> *** I am not much for Hindu eopics A, but I presume you are
>> >> >> Dhritarastra's blindness. If so. maybe you might attribute that to
>> >> >> impaired vision. Then again it might be because I see what you
>> >>want
>> >> >> to :-).
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Take care.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> c-da
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>  Delhi sent the money, and the "patriots" of Assam grab all that
>> >> >> >money for their own purposes. If Delhi is at fault, the only thing
>> >> >can
>> >> >> >say is that they don't ask for proper accounting from the state.
>> >> >course,
>> >> >> >if they did that, you and your ilk will still get upset.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >I answered your question. You still haven't mine:
>> >> >> >> >all due respect, why do you act like Dhritarashtra all the
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >With regards,
>> >> >> >--Alpana.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >----- Original Message -----
>> >> >> >From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >> >To: "Alpana Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> >> >> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >> >Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 4:23 PM
>> >> >> >Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> A:
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> Let me ask again:
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >*** Now let me ask you the same question. Who do YOU think
>> >> >> >> >responsible? And HOW exactly might that be rectified, and
>> >>in
>> >> >> >the
>> >> >> >> >future?
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> I am sure netters would like to hear of your thoughts, if you
>> >>to
>> >> >> >> share. How the whole thing seems to work in your view that is,
>> >>ending
>> >> >up
>> >> >> >> with what you so passionately point out for our benefit.
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> c-da
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> At 3:19 PM -0500 9/29/02, Alpana Sarangapani wrote:
>> >> >> >> >>central govt. is hugely responsible for the situation,
>> >>with
>> >> >the
>> >> >> >> >>Assam govt./s, past or present. I know you don't like to hear
>> >>say
>> >> >> >that,
>> >> >> >> >>but that is the bitter truth.
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >I won't mind hearing it - if it WAS the truth, C'da.
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >Do you think the Central government is **even** responsible for
>> >> >> >> >character of those people in Assam? How? And if that was the
>> >>how
>> >> >> >come
>> >> >> >> >some people from the same place, aren't corrupted - do their
>> >>to
>> >> >take
>> >> >> >> >care of themselves without going for the public money?
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >And you talk about people taking responsibilities for their own
>> >> >action?
>> >> >> >With
>> >> >> >> >all due respect, why do you act like Dhritarashtra all the
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >----- Original Message -----
>> >> >> >> >From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >> >> >To: "Alpana Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> >> >> >> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >> >> >Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 9:30 PM
>> >> >> >> >Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >At 11:53 PM -0500 9/27/02, Alpana Sarangapani wrote:
>> >> >> >> >>    If we search very hard we might find the word  "Delhi"
>> >> >all
>> >> >> >> >>over the place here.     C'da: Any comments?
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >*** Unfortunately you are correct for the most part Alpana. Yes
>> >> >> >indeed,the
>> >> >> >> >central govt. is hugely responsible for the situation, TOGETHER
>> >>with
>> >> >the
>> >> >> >> >Assam govt./s, past or present. I know you don't like to hear
>> >>say
>> >> >> >that,
>> >> >> >> >but that is the bitter truth.
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >*** Now let me ask you the same question. Who do YOU think
>> >> >> >> >responsible? And HOW exactly might that be rectified, and
>> >>in
>> >> >> >the
>> >> >> >> >future?
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >c-da
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> >------------------------------------------------------------
>> >> >> >> >http://www.sentinelassam.com/
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>Rs 15,000 cr spent in 15 years, but no marked  change in
>> >> >Dept
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>By a Staff Reporter
>> >> >> >> >>GUWAHATI, Sept 27 : The State Education Department has  failed
>> >> >bring
>> >> >> >> >>much of a change in the educational scenario even after
>> >>Rs
>> >> >> >> >>15,000 crore in the last 15 years. No other department of the
>> >>Assam
>> >> >> >> >>Government had received such a huge allocation of funds.
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>Schools in Assam are marked by  non-existence of drinking
>> >> >black
>> >> >> >> >>board, toilet and other basic  necessities.
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>Official sources told The Sentinel  that corruption and other
>> >> >> >malpractices
>> >> >> >> >>are responsible for the poor show of the  Education
>> >>The
>> >> >> >> >>Department is currently spending a lion's share of its  budget
>> >> >> >payment
>> >> >> >> >>of salaries to the huge workforce of teachers. Political
>> >> >interference
>> >> >> >and
>> >> >> >> >>corruption in the appointment of teachers have proved to be
>> >>last
>> >> >> >nail
>> >> >> >> >>in the Department's coffin.
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>There are 1.44 lakh teachers at the primary  level, and among
>> >>a
>> >> >> >large
>> >> >> >> >>section of teachers were appointed through the  backdoor
>> >> >taking
>> >> >> >> >>into account the fund position of the Education  Department.
>> >>the
>> >> >> >other
>> >> >> >> >>hand, about 20 per cent of the teachers have been  estimated
>> >> >> >"ghost"
>> >> >> >> >>teachers. Though the "ghost" teachers only exist in  paper, a
>> >>section
>> >> >of
>> >> >> >> >>officials of the Education Department are siphoning off  money
>> >> >> >payment
>> >> >> >> >>of salaries to these teachers.
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>Sources said that the Education Department  during the
>> >>years
>> >> >> >had
>> >> >> >> >>failed to give the accurate number of teachers in  the State
>> >>before
>> >> >the
>> >> >> >> >>Assam Assembly. Figures of the Department are quite
>> >> >sources
>> >> >> >> >>said.
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>Allegations of corruption have once again  surfaced following
>> >> >> >> >>regularization of a large number of teachers whom the
>> >> >> >Committee
>> >> >> >> >>report categorized as illegal and irregular.
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> >>About 500 out of 7500 teachers have been  made permanent and
>> >>regular
>> >> >> >> >>during the last two years. But the Education  Department is
>> >> >find
>> >> >> >> >>out the files regarding appointment of 500 teachers.  Sources
>> >> >that
>> >> >> >at
>> >> >> >> >>a time when the Education department has initiated a move  to
>> >> >regularise
>> >> >> >> >>3500 teachers as per the recommendations of the Manoharan
>> >>Committee,
>> >> >a
>> >> >> >> >>section of district level officials of the department has
>> >>reportedly
>> >> >> >> >>appointed 1000 new teachers.
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >_________________________________________________________________
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