I very much disagree; relative references should be allowable in simple extensions, and in fact the rationale that Tim gives is the reasoning I assumed regarding Atom extensions; if I had known that the division between simple and complex extensions would be used to justify a constraint on the use of context in simple extensions, I would have objected to it.

If you're using something like RDF to model feeds, you already have a number of context-related issues to work through, this isn't an extra burden.

I should explicitly allow relative URIs in fh:prev, though.


On 16/08/2005, at 11:35 AM, Henry Story wrote:

I think that in section 5. you should specify that the URI reference MUST NOT be relative or MUST BE absolute (if that is the proper W3C Architecture term). I agree with the point made by
David Powell in the thread entitled "More about extensions" [1].

Given that we have this problem I was wondering whether it would not be better to use the link element as I think it permits relative references. Relative references really are *extreemly useful*. I tried to work without them in my BlogEd editor because the Sesame database folk mistakenly thought it was not part of RDF, and it caused me no end of trouble: all those problems vanished as soon as they allowed relative references.

So if relative references are allowed in links perhaps the following would be better:

<link type="http://purl.org/syndication/history/1.0/next"; href="./ archives/archive1.atom">

Henry Story

[1] http://www.imc.org/atom-syntax/mail-archive/msg16643.html

On 15 Aug 2005, at 22:31, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Draft -03 of feed history is now available, at:
http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-nottingham-atompub- feed-history-03.txt

Significant changes in this revision include:
  - add fh:archive element, to indicate that an entry is an archive
  - allow subscription feed to omit fh:stateful if fh:prev is present
- clarified that fh doesn't add ordering semantics, just allows you to reconstruct state
  - cleaned up text, fixed examples, general standards hygiene

There's going to be at least one more draft, as I neglected to acknowledge people who have made suggestions and otherwise helped so far. Sorry!

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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