Yes, I guess I don't know what important UI feature my feeds would be
missing if they didn't use the IE7 stylesheet?  (feel the shame for asking
:)  I have my own feed entry navigation, thank you kindly, and yes, I (will)
use the SSE extensions.  The educational box describing what feeds are with
the big subscribe button optional, thanks.  All I care about is the
subscribe button, I'll do the rest.  

Why shouldn't the publisher stylesheet be the default if the publisher wants
it to be in the browser/aggregator app?  IE7 is dsiplaying the Atom content
tags afterall.  This is not just the My Yahoo box with feed links (title and
link href) to pages contain news stories, but IE7 is rendering content tags
in the browser.  I want my psychedelic tie dye background when displaying my
content tags!

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of 'A. Pagaltzis'
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: IE7 Feed Rendering Issue

* James Yenne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-03-09 20:55]:
>The only practice I'm advocating is that if I want my feed to be 
>formatted in the browser as I have declared using xml-stylesheet, it 
>should be allowed.

That means your feed will have to be missing UI features that other feeds
have. I hope I don't need to explain why that is a bad idea for a user

Maybe there could be a button "View with publisher look" when the feed
provides styling information, but it should definitely not be the default.

>If I don't have one, and 90% don't, then by all means, use the 
>Microsoft IE7 stylesheet. I want to present to the user, for example, 
>the tie dye background (not the blue to grey gradient) and I think it 
>maybe reflects my site better, and will result in a subscribe click.

Or they will be irritated because it's different and the usual sorting
controls and navigation are missing?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>

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