Re: Why most kids prefer and care about online games? A topic to discuss

Hey there guys, karate25 here. I've been reading this topic and I personally think it brings up an interesting discussion, and while I'm not a kid, but rather a 34 year old man, I'd like to personally discuss why I love online video and computer games like muds Etc. I'm not really a big fan of these online shooters like redspot and others but that doesn't make them bad, it just means they're not my cup of tea. I love muds and virtual worlds like second life and others if they were playable, (are you listening Star citizen?) because they quite literally allow me to live out my dream life. I love Achaea, dreams of divine lands for example because in that mud I'm a paladin living in the city of Targossas on the side of law and order and in my house, the harbingers, I'm climbing up the ranks very quickly and really fitting in with everyone both in my house and my city. I'm very well loved and respected there. It's letting me do things and live the kind of life that I'm not able to do in the real world. I'm also going to do my part, no matter how small it is to see mainstream games and virtual worlds be made accessible. I have a dream and I know it may take awhile but I believe with all of my heart we will eventually get there. I've joined up with a program that able gamers have put together called the player panels program in which you're able to work with companies to make their games more inclusive for people with disabilities. My dream is to be able to sit down in front of either a gaming console or a computer at will, pick up a game, regardless of its mechanics or play style, whether it be a shooter or an rpg like skyrim or what ever the case may be, and play it right alongside my sighted counterparts with no sighted assistance needed what so ever. I know we're not there now, but I truly believe with all of my heart that we will get there if more people like me and some of you in our community get out there and make our voices heard. Incidentally, I will go and get this link for this player panels program and share it on here for you all to get involved in should you so wish it. It's all very accessible to a screenreader, and this organization is very near where I live actually which I thought was pretty cool. Have a wonderful day to you all, and I apologize if this post seemed a little long. I just have lots to say when it comes to gaming because it's my one true passion.

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