mudlark;145442 Wrote: 
> Anyone there?
> regards,
> M.

We're here ;)

I'm guessing that nobody's replying is that you have just found out
what we already know  - the squeezebox with FLAC is really good. And we
see that often...

Where you store your FLAC (linux server, windows server, NAS, etc)
doesn't matter as long as the SB3 gets the data fast enough. If you are
using wireless, make sure that signal quality is good or you can 
experience dropouts.

Back to the sound quality, this is a result of the good engineering
done by Slimdevices. They have taken time to focus on  sonic quality in
addition to other features. One of the reasons for the improved sound is
that the SB3 has very low jitter, and there is no CD-player error
correction circuits at work.

There are of course room for improvements. If you search this forum,
you will find that there are many options for improvements, upgrade the
PSU, get the SB3 modified or upgrade to the transporter.


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.
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