adamslim;145698 Wrote: 
> If you really want to lose yourself, try getting a decent FM tuner (and
> a decent aerial).  Like, say, a NAD 402 (£20 on ebay) and a rooftop
> aerial.  Makes CDs, FLACs, even DVD-A and especially 160kbps DAB sound
> like mush.
I agree that a good FM tuner with a good signal sounds great. But not
as good as CD and FLAC (or DVD audio). FM has a frequency cut-off at
15kHz and even I can hear above that (OK, only to 16KHz - but still).
That it beats DAB, I have no trouble believing...

adamslim;145698 Wrote: 
> Proms season is just amazing - I go to about 10 live ones, but it's
> really almost as good being at home!
> And yes, I love the Squeezebox, but I'm already dreading when they turn
> off FM, even though it looks like being no earlier than 2017...

In Norway, they are talking about a lot sooner. 2012, I believe.


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.
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