Well, look at it this way -- it comes with a 30 day guarantee, right? 
How could you go wrong?

Coffee;150564 Wrote: 
> The cost of the TP is not a real problem. I just want to make a decision
> that I won't regret later. I'm not a true audiophile (my ears just
> aren't that good) and I tend to keep my stuff for a long time. I'm
> still using my Denon CD player from over 10 years ago. It cost over
> $1000 at that time. So $1700 with today's dollar is a bargain if the TP
> indeed is as good as many (practically all) of you say. It is true that
> perhaps the remote volume control alone is worth the extra $400
> (surprising that no other DAC in this price range has this simple
> feature).
> I was, and still am, a little skeptical about the audiophile quality of
> a Slim Devices product. The SB is a proven and revolutionary device but
> that only proves that SD is a great high tech company. It seems
> unlikely, although definitely not impossible, that SD can create a DAC
> that is superior to companies that have been doing this kind of stuff
> for decades. But from the testimonials posted so far, apparently SD has
> indeed succeeded in doing so.
> So I guess I'll bite the bullet and contribute my $2000 to celebrate
> SD's success!


Relax.  It's about the music.
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