Hm, I guess it depends what one understands by a 2. incarnation of the
Transporter. If it is to be envisioned as an upmarket, high-grade
device (with whatever functionality is deemed appropriate) and priced
>= 1k USD, I will only consider it if first:

1. Logitech get their act together as far as servicing goes. I'm just
not going to invest in equipment which effectively becomes a
paperweight if it fails outside the 1-2 year warranty period.

2. Like the TP, it must be of good build-quality. The Touch, as nice at
is is, has a far too plasticy feel for a device in this class.

Anyway, the TP is still very nice. Why not just redesign the UI to
account for the inavailability of the knob and displays - and perhaps
upgrade it to handle >96 sample-rates?

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