mlsstl wrote: 
> Your post is a good example of conflating two separate issues.
I think it's a really bad example of that, actually! Pick one of a
million other posts on t'internet as a good example.

One must distinguish between scientists and engineers. Scientists
conduct experiments to break current theories in order to improve or
replace them. Engineers seem to know what they know.

Not every problem with listening tests can be solved. It's the little
things really, the obvious things. How do you compare loudspeaker A and
B when they have different frequency responses? Tests have shown that
subjects can subconsciously detect a difference of 0.2db. So at what
frequency do we level match the speakers? Do we use a single tone or
broadband tones or multi-tones? It doesn't matter what we do, one or the
other loudspeaker will have a slight advantage depending on the musical
sample, because each musical sample has different and dynamic spectral
content. This is unsolvable so we must either pack up and go home or
make the assumption these effects will even out. My point is nothing in
the real world is totally black and white.

At the end of the day we are middle aged men arguing on an audiophile
internet harm done but none of this stuff is particularly
important either. We should be enjoying ourselves and perhaps shooting
the breeze with a drink whilst listening to some good tunes!
Incidentally, I am sure if we met face to face that's what we'd do!

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