callesoroe wrote: 
> What I meant was that you need to have good source material to reveal
> the differences. A bad recording compressed and mastered to death in the
> studio, then I agree it is difficult to hear the difference(if any). But
> when the source material is great, the you will certanly hear it.
> I did not mean anything like bad rips or so. I just operate with
> accurate rips.

Interesting. Although my opinion differs. IMO better quality masters
with good dynamic range and generally "quieter" overall presentations
allow modern encoders like LAME to be even more efficient and requiring
less number of bits for the perceptual coding. Forcing them into 320kbps
with these better recordings actually allows the algorithm to encode
even more inaudible & unperceptable information.

The reason I say this is that when I did the MP3 test back in December,
I specifically chose high quality samples PLUS one very loud and clipped
metal track suggested by someone. If you just look at the variance in
the WAV files after encoding & decoding, the clipped, loud, poorly
mastered track was more difficult for the LAME encoder than the others
to handle - hence producing more opportunity to differentiate the sound.

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