SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Ok, this is a better way of saying than jumping the gun and deciding I
> need a transport with less jitter (mea culpa :-) ) . Inspired by
> Archimago, I threw away the TT tweak on my Touch, but later I went back
> to it, because I felt I was missing the resolution I had earlier. I also
> knew that Archimago, measured the jitter differences to be very less or
> insignificant. Now, I am wondering whether some sort of noise creeps
> into the DACs/Amps from the transport (no pulse transformer/galvanic
> isolation) ??? (in that context, a shielded power cord to the touch
> linear power supply seemed to reduce some haze and/or increase
> resolution). 
> Another observation or illusion (?), if I unplug all the power cords,
> clean the prongs with just a clean paper towel and plug it in, the
> system sounds very detailed. I check for this with very low volume
> listening. What could be happening ?

Cool that you tried anyways Softwire. 

I bet your system sounds "very detailed" whether you cleaned with the
paper towel or not :-)

Remember that sensory memory is very short - check out the WiKi on
"echoic memory" (below). We're talking *4-10 seconds*. This is why doing
stuff like testing cable A vs. B which requires fiddling around with
plugging and unplugging is a "no-no". Likewise, when I suggested Quad do
the A-B test, it's best to switch quickly between TosLink and coaxial
with the DAC.

Unless the difference is quite clear, it's VERY HARD if not IMPOSSIBLE
to differentiate minute differences. The mind will look for other
effects like expectation bias, recency/primary effect, slight volume
differences, etc. to make its choice. Like I said before, start
controlling the variables or do blind testing and you'll likely realize
differences will disappear. BTW - since my father has a Touch as well, I
was able to test one unit with the TT mod and the other in stock
condition connected to his ONYX Melody SP3 tube amp, switching between
the 2 inputs while the units played the same song. I could not tell a

Enjoy the music either way :-)

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