Ok, this is a better way of saying than jumping the gun and deciding I
need a transport with less jitter (mea culpa :-) ) . Inspired by
Archimago, I threw away the TT tweak on my Touch, but later I went back
to it, because I felt I was missing the resolution I had earlier. I also
knew that Archimago, measured the jitter differences to be very less or
insignificant. Now, I am wondering whether some sort of noise creeps
into the DACs/Amps from the transport (no pulse transformer/galvanic
isolation) ??? (in that context, a shielded power cord to the touch
linear power supply seemed to reduce some haze and/or increase
Another observation or illusion (?), if I unplug all the power cords,
clean the prongs with just a clean paper towel and plug it in, the
system sounds very detailed. I check for this with very low volume
listening. What could be happening ?

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