On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:34 PM,  <sf...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> What did you chown?

The aufs mount point.  That is what the users will be working with.
They could access the rw branch directly since it is in their home but
that is unlikely since it is hidden.

> My asummption is
> - you have all common files in the ro branch.
>  (if your "common" files should be run by multiple users at the same
>  time as Michael S. Zick pointed, then you should not do that)
> - users customize some of files, and these files are put in his rw
>  branch.
> - finally the rw branch has only the "difference".

"Some" is the problem.  I can't predict which files out of the ro
branch they will want to modify.  Many Windows applications have their
own on-line update utilities for patching so any file can be changed
by the user account.  With games there are many third-party
modifications that can be added and I can't tell which games the users
will play or which mods they will add.

> If the difference is so large and the rw branch cannot have all of them
> due to its space, then you just need to expand the size of rw branch.
> If you have chwon-ed the common files, then that must be unnecessary.

Using Diablo II (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_II) as an example
of installation for multiple users, this is what I want to do.  To
function without the CDs a full installation is needed which is about
2.2GB total.  With five users that is 11GB for one game.  If I use
aufs and share one installation then it's closer to 2.3GB total for
all five users.

I have a special user account "wineadmin" which is identical to other
user accounts except that it owns "/srv/wine".  I login as wineadmin
and I create a directory "~/.wine-Diablo_II" and install Diablo II
into it (WINEPREFIX=/home/wineadmin/.wine-Diablo_II).  The latest
Diablo updates and patches are applied.

For deployment, I copy ".wine-Diablo_II" to
"/srv/wine/.wine-Diablo_II" and remove symlinks specific to wineadmin
which are for special folders like "My Documents".  Diablo license
keys in this copy of the Wine registry are purged.  All
files/directories are owned by wineadmin with file permissions of 644
(rw-r--r--) and directory permissions of 755 (rwx-r-xr-x).

For each user ("administrator" in this example) I create
"~/.wine-Diablo_II" and "~/.wine-Diablo_II_rw" and mount the shared
copy with aufs:

mount -v -t aufs -o
none /home/administrator/.wine-Diablo_II

Wine symlinks for administrator are recreated in
"~/.wine-Diablo_II/dosdevices" and
"~/.wine-Diablo_II/drive_c/users/administrator".  Registry entries for
wineadmin in the administrator copy of the registry
(~/.wine-Diablo_II/*.reg) are fixed with sed and regex.  XDG/fdo menu
entries are added in "~/.config/menus" and
"~/.local/share/applications".  The game is started and new license
keys are entered.

This process is repeated for each user.  When a user updates Diablo II
from its built-in updater, the changes only affect them as they are
contained in their rw branch.  When they play the game, the save files
are located in the Diablo II application directory in
"~/.wine-Diablo_II/drive_c/Program Files/Diablo II/save/" and game
settings are either in *.ini files or in the Wine registry.

Next I need to install a popular mod, Median XL
(http://modsbylaz.hugelaser.com).  It consists of a replacement
"Patch_D2.mpq" file.  Because it greatly changes and complicates the
game, I need to maintain the original installation for beginners.  I
log back into wineadmin.  I move "/home/wineadmin/.wine-Diablo_II" and
a create a new empty directory "~/.wine-Diablo_II" and
".wine-Diablo_II_rw".  I mount the "/srv/wine/.wine-Diablo_II" the
same as I did for administrator.  I then install the Median XL mpq
file.  I then unmount ".wine-Diablo_II" and copy the contents of
".wine-Diablo_II_rw" (excluding .wh.*) to

In the "administrator" home, I create two new directories,
".wine-Diablo_II_Median_XL" and ".wine-Diablo_II_Median_XL_rw" then
mount them with aufs:

mount -v -t aufs -o
none /home/administrator/.wine-Diablo_II_Median_XL

I then fix the registry, links, and menu entries.  The user now has
two different Diablo II installations, original and Median XL.  They
act completely independent of each other which is important because
game save files from Median XL are not compatible with the original
game.  Total size for one user is 2.3GB and very little additional
space for five users (or many more).

For a single-file modification this may seem overcomplicated but
modifications in other games have hundreds of files that are changed
including changes in the Wine registry.  With registry changes I
normally create a diff of them and patch it back in for each user.  I
have shell scripts that perform some of the work.  When the users
update the game or add more third-party modifications the space usage
will increase but not all users will do that so the total is still
much less than separate Diablo II installations.

The next step is to add more ro branches to the mounts for accessory
applications like an archive manager.  Many modifications and updates
are distributed in archive files (zip, rar, 7z).  These are intended
to be extracted into the application directories, overwriting existing
files.  Most *nix filesystems are case-sensitive and Windows
applications are designed to be case-insensitive.  These archives
can't be installed reliably into the Wine application directories as
many have mismatched filename cases, which isn't a problem on Windows
but on *nix the files from the archive won't overwrite the existing
files as intended.  The only solution is to use a Windows-based
archive tool like 7-Zip (GUI version).  When it is used to extract the
files, Wine will normalize the filename case and correctly overwrite
the original files.  Installation of 7-Zip (and other accessory
applications) is performed the same way as Median XL, resulting in
another ro branch in the final aufs mount.

The problem is that none of this actually functions with the current
aufs.  The "/home/administrator/.wine-Diablo_II" directory and files
are owned by "wineadmin" so the "administrator" account can't modify
the Wine registry or any files even though it owns
"/home/administrator/.wine-Diablo_II_rw".  The only solution is to
export "/srv/wine" with Samba and then mount it back with CIFS, set
the UID/GID to "administrator", then use this mount for the ro branch.
 This has to be repeated for each user (and probably for each branch
ro like Median XL but I haven't tried that yet).  The CIFS mount
target is "~/.wine-Diablo_II_uid":

mount -t cifs //localhost/.wine-Diablo_II
/home/administrator/.wine-Diablo_II_uid -o

Thanks to the Gnome gvfs bug the CIFS ro mounts are shown as mounted
volumes in Nautilus even though they are useless to the users.  Next
they have to be mount as ro through aufs:

mount -v -t aufs -o
none /home/administrator/.wine-Diablo_II

If I install a dozen games and applications through Wine for all
users, this gets to be a real mess.  I would like to do the mounts at
login through pam_mount but I don't think that is possible with the
dependency of the aufs mounts on the CIFS mounts.

> Aufs never write to the ro branch.
> If it happens, it must a bug.

Correct although in my example the ro branch is owned by wineadmin.

> Jeff,
> I don't think your discussion style is good. You send mails to me
> directly, personally and I replied to you. Later you forwarded your
> messages only to the aufs ML. It might be your simple failure of
> operating mail software. But it is not only once. I won't reply to your
> personal mails.

I noticed that the list wasn't CC in the last few emails.  I'm not
sure why that happened so I forwarded them manually.  Maybe it's a
Gmail bug.

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