Jeff Hanson:
> Users can't run chown because they are not root.

How about writing a wrapper?
Allow chown after some tests.
- the target path is aufs, or /home/$USER in your case?
- the target uid is $USER
- etc
The warpper may be implemented suid-ed, or customized /etc/sudoers.


> Another problem is that the CIFS mounts show up in Gnome/Nautilus as
> mounted volumes.  Since these are ro mounts that only exist for the
> UID change they aren't useful to the user and just make a mess of the
> desktop and Nautilus places sidebar.  The aufs mount point is what the
> user needs.

You may want to try fuse, nfs or any other fs which has uid-mapping
After some considerations, I could understand why you want such feature
in aufs. But as I wrote first, I don't think it is a feature of
stackable filesystem. Aufs should follow and should not disturb the
native behaviour of brach fs.

J. R. Okajima

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