On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 9:58 PM,  <sf...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> How about writing a wrapper?
> Allow chown after some tests.
> - the target path is aufs, or /home/$USER in your case?
> - the target uid is $USER
> - etc
> The warpper may be implemented suid-ed, or customized /etc/sudoers.

I can do that easily and it would only work for a single-user desktop
with one user logged in.  If there is more than one simultaneous user,
or if the ro branch is located on a server that is sharing with a
protocol that doesn't have UID/GID override support (like NFS) then
this method doesn't really function.

There is also the problem of not wanting to trust users with shared
executables that they can write to.  As Wine becomes more compatible
with Windows it will be more vulnerable to malware and the separation
of rw data between users is crucial.  Allowing them to chown means
that anything can be written to the files from their account and the
users of other accounts will be executing (and possibly writing to)
the same files..

> You may want to try fuse, nfs or any other fs which has uid-mapping
> feature.
> After some considerations, I could understand why you want such feature
> in aufs. But as I wrote first, I don't think it is a feature of
> stackable filesystem. Aufs should follow and should not disturb the
> native behaviour of brach fs.

I did look into funionfs but it had a lot of bugs and development
stopped back in 2005 pending a rewrite.

I reported a bug about the problem with SMB/CIFS mounts being
displayed in Nautilus even if the mount point is a hidden directory
but the initial response wasn't enthusiastic:

I understand your position.  A filesystem that does nothing more than
change UID/GID/ACLS/permissions would be perfect but I don't know of
any.  Seems like it would be a great feature for a rootkit :D  I'll
keep looking for other solutions.

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