
LOL! You must have missed the part where Justin says: "I'm happy to take public or private critiques as well"

Seeing as he published that on this forum anyone is free to comment.

Besides I was asked by Justin to comment on the electrical wiring part and did, as it was being re-written and I've also been consulted by the last 2 GFA presidents on ADSB. So you know what you can do with your sanctimonious attitude.

Large companies sometimes pay expensive consultants to look at their businesses from the outside in case the people too close too the problem are missing things. What I see in the GFA is an organisation in denial, run by delusional people.

I was at a large gliding club over Easter and when I walked in to the clubhouse on the Friday evening my immediate thought was " well not many of these will still be flying gliders in 10 years". I mentioned this to Carol who simply said "five".

We have private citizens like Justin beavering away writing what they think is law when this is properly a government function. The function of private citizens and organisations like the GFA is to lobby to make sure any proposed regulations are sensible and the minimum

necessary to achieve the aim.

For those who haven't figured it out the aim of all this regulation is to:

1. Protect people on the ground from having aircraft crash on them.

2. Protect other airspace users from each other.

3. For commercial aviation, give fare paying passengers an excellent chance of arriving at their destination in one piece.

As aircraft crash all the time and only very, very rarely is someone on the ground hurt 1. would seem to be fulfilled with minimum regulation. 2. is taken care of by a decent flight training and licencing system, something the GFA doesn't have.

GFA has an operations director (or whatever he is called now) who has no idea about elementary statistics or the principles of risk management. I also wonder how many more Maurie Littles there are lurking amongst the 600 instructors? I wouldn't let anybody I cared

about learn to fly in the GFA system.

Why are experienced pilots spinning in, in the circuit? Hint: it has nothing to do with inability to recover from spins.

If the GFA is merely going to mirror CASA regulations on airworthiness it may as well just let CASA do it. It won't cost any more. The people working in professional workshops will then be CASA recognised and able to expand their businesses to work on powered

aircraft, increasing numbers of which are made of composites. There is no doubt that in this case the majority of the expertise and experience in the inspection and repair of light aircraft composite structures lies with these people.

At present GFA is setting up a system that burdens private citizens with unnecessary work and responsibility and nobody seems to be looking ahead to see if all this will be sustainable in 10 years. It is a potential time bomb for the sport..


At 06:18 PM 4/15/2016, you wrote:
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Content-Language: en-au

Your comment would carry more weight if you were a paid up member of the GFA. If you were a member you would be able to propose changes to BSE and other documents.

                If you don't like what GFA do that is not GFAs problem.


From: Aus-soaring [] On Behalf Of Mike Borgelt
Sent: Friday, 15 April 2016 6:45 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. <>
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] BSE Update now published

At 10:06 PM 4/13/2016, you wrote:

There's an official feedback form so that we can collate and prioritise changes. I'm happy to take public or private critiques as well, particularly related to the chapters that I worked on. As always, there will be some controversial changes and expect to cop some heat, but we have a very fine line to tread between practicality and lawyers. Sometimes the lawyers won as this is now considered an official airworthiness engineering manual that needs to stand up in a court of law.

What you should have done is get a lawyer to write a front page disclaimer so it CANNOT be used in a court of law. Make it an advisory/educational publication only.


Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
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P O Box 4607, Toowoomba East, QLD 4350, Australia
Aus-soaring mailing list

Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
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P O Box 4607, Toowoomba East, QLD 4350, Australia  
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