2018-08-08 19:19:56 -0500, Eric Blake:
> (I wish I could point you to mailing list archives, but
> https://www.opengroup.org/austin/mailarchives/ points to gmane, which is no
> longer functional, and I don't know of any other web archival visiting the
> Austin list)

Note that while the gmane web interface is not fully functional,
the NNTP interface is (not very useful to give links though).

The autin-group-l ML is now also at
Earliest message from 2016-08-02.

https://www.opengroup.org/austin/mailarchives/ could be updated
to point to that. Most useful would be if the opengroup exposed
those archives using the gmane web interface (which IMO is by
far the best around) somewhere on opengroup.org (the gmane tools
have been published as free software IIRC).


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