Robert Elz <> wrote, on 24 Aug 2018:
>   | On page 2359 line 75273 section 2.6.5, change:
>   |
>   |     If the value of IFS is null, no field splitting shall be performed.
>   |
>   | to:
>   |
>   |     If the value of IFS is null, field splitting shall have no effect,
>   |     except that if the input is empty the result shall be zero fields.
> I am not sure that "except that" is really the correct wording, perhaps
> just replace those two words with "though" ?

I reasoned that if the input is an empty field and field splitting has
no effect, then the end result would be an empty field.  So to me the
second part does seem like an exception to the first part.

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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