Title: Re: WSDL2Java

Follow up Q added to maillist as requested.

Hello James,

Please can you explain in a bit more detail how this works?

We are writing code on the server side and generating the WSDL from that.

Our example package structure is as follows:

customer                -       contains the delegate class for our connection into an EJB.
customer.dto    -       all the data transfer objects requiring to be passed through SOAP.
customer.ws             -       the generated SOAP code.

Currently the SOAP generated code is creating its own copies of the DTOs. We want to output the AXIS webservice code to the separate customer.ws package.

Do you mean that we should use the AXIS generated DTOs to extend our DTOs. We are a bit confused as this causes problems with compilation until we have created the AXIS generated DTOs.

Additionally if we try to create the AXIS code into the same package as the DTOs are already in, it overwrites our code.

Any assistance you could give us would be greatly appreciated.


Piers Hardiman

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