Hi all,


Is it possible to configure it such that running wsdl2java on a RPC-Encoded styled wsdl files will generate stubs that turns off multiref by default?  As in it'll generate _call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_DOMULTIREFS, Boolean.FALSE); as it does for RPC-Literal? 


Also for wsdl2java on RPC-Encoded, is it possible to turn off the generation of empty elements?  When I try to send a SOAP message using the stubs created from RPC-Encoded, all the empty elements in the schema are listed as <DateOfCreation xsi:type="ns7:DateCT" xsi:nil="true" xmlns:ns7="date"/> for instance. I wish to turn off that generation.


Would really appreciate any assistance!


Wei Hsu

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