Doug and All Listers

I've read the recent posts by Doug Holmes and now this response by Cheri and 
felt like adding my two cents worth in.....

You know, this list works the same way that every other list I've ever belonged 
to does. That is, there could be hundreds or even a few thousand subscribers, 
but only a small percentage of people actually post. The rest lurk. They read 
and learn from the posts, but don't post anything. I pretty much count myself 
in that lurker group. I read the posts (most of them) but rarely respond to 
any. That's just human nature for most of us. I'm quite certain, though, that 
we are all learning from what is posted here. Further, I support Cheri 100%. 
She maintains this list, for the good of all of us. It is not an easy task to 
keep us all on task and the discussions pertinent to genealogy. She spends a 
lot of time and effort on this and deserves our respect and appreciation for 

For those who may not know me, I am the coordinator of the Azores GenWeb site. 
I'm responsible for maintaining the site and providing content to it. It's main 
purpose is to provide information and resources for beginning genealogists. On 
the main page (link below) you will find a section on Researchers for Hire. If 
you want to If you haven't already checked it out, I invite you to do so. 

Doug, I think you should count me as one of those folks who are unclear about 
your intent by offering a "gift." Frankly, I find it odd that you would do so 
and, to me, it   makes me uncomfortable. I'm not trying to suggest that this is 
a scam....... just that it almost seems that way but I'm sure that was not your 

As for the free DNA testing you are offering....... on the surface that seems 
very nice of you. But, I wonder ...... is this something you will freely share 
with others? Or will you somehow figure out how to charge the rest of us for 
the information you are gleaning from it? I know from personal experience with 
you when I shared my husband's ancestry from Terceira, that you like to accept 
what others send you to increase your database but offer nothing in return 
..... unless we pay for it. Is that what this is about? I'm sure you have some 
supporters, but I'm not one of then. Not now. Not ever. You are all about the 
money. You don't share anything at all, unless you get paid for your services. 
It's just your way but you should, at least, be up front about it.

Kathy Cardoza
Visit the Azores GenWeb Project:

Climb my Family Tree:

On May 17, 2014, at 8:22 PM, Cheri Mello <> wrote:

> Doug,
> I've posted from time to time how many subscribers are on this list.  Anyone 
> can find that number by going out to the Web board/Forum board and clicking 
> the "About" link.  The only reason I mention it is to make people aware that 
> they are emailing 1200 people, some of whom are still working or have limited 
> time on their hands.  The list is active with genealogy posts (sometimes 20 
> in a day) and I would like the posts to be meaningful for the 1200 
> subscribers.  Reading a single post that says "Thanks!" is imposing on 
> people's time and is not meaningful nor helpful in someone's genealogical 
> search.  
> After teaching kids and teenagers math and then adults DNA and genealogy, I 
> know how it works.  Teach something.  You get questions from some of the 
> audience (class) at the end.  People (even kids) raise their hand and ask 
> questions.  The vast majority take the information that was presented and 
> walk away with it.  Then there are the few people that come up and ask a 
> question in private.  Same thing with this list.  The vast majority of people 
> read, take the information, and walk away with it.  Some people raise their 
> hand (post) their question for all to see.  And a few email privately to ask 
> a question.  
> Since your last post, I've received a number of emails about the underlying 
> intent of that post.  You'll give people a gift who email you?  Geez, you're 
> sounding like a used car salesman!  All of us who have been into this awhile 
> know you do research for hire.  It's posted on the Azores GenWeb for all to 
> see along with the list of other researchers for hire.  And when someone asks 
> for a researcher for hire, I post that link.  So if you are drumming up 
> business, just say so.  But to bribe people with a gift....sounds like those 
> time share things where you sit for 3 hours and listen to their spiel for the 
> "gift" at the end.  And we all know that many of those things are shady.  I'm 
> sure you don't want to be known as the "shady" genealogist!
> And the DNA offer?  Sorry to tell you this, but we've already been doing 
> fundraising.  We've raised funds for certain lines that we wanted tested and 
> the money was put into the General Fund at FTDNA.  Basically an escrow 
> account.  That way, I don't have to handle the money and try to keep track of 
> it.  Money can create problems. Just giving money to one person with no 
> backing....I prefer the fiduciary set up that FTDNA has.  And it was nice 
> having it there in another project I manage.  People contributed money 
> towards a kit and then they decided not to pursue that line.  FTDNA knew who 
> donated what and refunded it all back.  Seriously, people are going to send 
> you money and for all we know, you're using it to buy something you've been 
> eyeballing!
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 
> Achada
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