Hi Dano,


Would you please share your list with us?! I am very interested on your 
abbreviations list. As you know I have a degree in History so I love 



Eliseu Pacheco da Silva

“Sharing is one of the most profitable human resources” 

Researching Açores (São Miguel and Graciosa) and Alentejo

( http://gw.geneanet.org/eliseumanuel )




De: azores@googlegroups.com [mailto:azores@googlegroups.com] Em nome de Dano
Enviada: segunda-feira, 11 de Agosto de 2014 16:54
Para: azores@googlegroups.com
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Abreviation list


Neither of these lists works for me, Cheri. Eliseu's list differs from the 
abbreviations I've come across in my research. I'm not sure from what source 
Mr. Ramos is getting his information, but, there are several inconsistencies in 
his list from what I have found in my research, eg... Agostino (should be 
Agostinho) & it does reflect the "ho" in the abbreviation - on the other hand, 
he lists the month of August as Agusto (should be Agosto) - there are other 
misspellings, as well, which I won't go into detail here and now. As for the 
abbreviations, their accuracy can only be substantiated by the actual documents 
they were taken from - which, as we have all found in our research, vary with 
the scribe who is producing the record. 

On Monday, August 11, 2014 11:42:03 AM UTC-4, Cheri Mello wrote:

There are a couple of name lists on the Azores GenWeb here;

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

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