On Monday, August 11, 2014 9:53:53 AM UTC-7, Dano wrote:
> Neither of these lists works for me, Cheri. Eliseu's list differs from the 
> abbreviations I've come across in my research. I'm not sure from what 
> source Mr. Ramos is getting his information, but, there are several 
> inconsistencies in his list from what I have found in my research, eg... 
> Agostino *(should be Agostinho)* & it* does* reflect the *"ho" *in the 
> abbreviation - on the other hand, he lists the month of August as Agusto 
> *(should 
> be Agosto) - *there are other misspellings, as well, which I won't go 
> into detail here and now. As for the abbreviations, their accuracy can only 
> be substantiated by the actual documents they were taken from - which, as 
> we have all found in our research, vary with the scribe who is producing 
> the record. 
> This reminds me of a co-worker who LOVES to abbreviate our business 
address as So. Figueroa St.  Maybe back in the day, but it's pretty much S. 
Figueroa, or you see SW, NW, etc.

You will see differences in abbreviations JUST AS YOU NORMALLY WOULD when 
seeing different spellings in names, and other words.  This should be used 
as a guide, just don't expect it to be one way or the other.  Unlike today, 
they really didn't have a standard way of writing.  Even today people still 
aren't as consistent as they should be.  I still use "text" in the past, 
never "texted."  And those of us in North America tend to favor the Z in 
some words in between vowels like realize, versus realise.

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