At 12:00 AM 8/25/2003 -0500, you wrote:
OK, now my point . . . . .

The blatant public sexuality of a relatively few women will inevitably
cause some men to *assume* that most women are looking for sex
anywhere they can get it.

Secondly, this same blatant public sexuality of a relatively few women
has convinced other women that this is indeed the standard of normal
and acceptable behavior for human beings.

Just as men must take responsiblity not only for their behavior but
for the behavior of other men, so must women take responsiblity not
only for their behavior but for the behavior of other women.

My original post was an objection not just to women, especially Baha'i
women, failing to take responsibility; but denying they had any

Please show us the scriptural texts that someone of a particular sex must take responsibility for the ethical and moral behavior of everyone else of that sex.

Personally, I do not think you will find it, especially as your reasoning seems to contradict Baha'u'llah's exhortation about how a man should react to a comely woman (which is mutatis mutandi, I would assume). This quotation was already posted.

The point that you seem to have ignored up until now is that, according to my understanding of the Writings, we are to dress in a chaste manner (culturally constructed) and we are not to dress in a way that would make us playthings of the foolish (also culturally constructed), however, no matter how one dresses, that person cannot be held responsible for how other people react to how she or he dresses.

(Note, I cannot remember offhand the quotation about fashion that I believe comes from Baha'u'llah.)

As I am sure you know, it has been shown many times over that sexual assault has nothing to do with how a woman dresses, how old she is, how pretty she is. Therefore, back to your argument, I believe that the problem is not primarily sexual arousal, but one of respect and truly accepting everyone as equal.

Further, I believe that you are basing the assertion in the third paragraph on a quotation taken from a talk by Abdu'l-Baha that discusses the equality of men and women and not matters of chastity or sexuality.

Last, I believe that the Writings will show that we can only be responsible for ourselves. You can stand up and say that you think men should do this or that, but you are ultimately responsible only for yourself. Sincerely, Loni Bramson

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