The only prerequisite I saw was BaseFile, and thats already included with 
Virtual Array, correct?  Yeah, I think its all shared out appropriately, course 
I'm also still only using the root user for the server.  Still testing 
everything before I deploy it for all my users and create them accounts.  

Since we don't have two channel data, we have Illumina "bead Chip", I guess 
this issue is a moot point for me. But leaves me with the question, is there 
another way to average the signal of arrays at the server? My users will often 
have 4 experimental arrays and 4 control arrays for each of their 5 or more 
different time points.  And want to be able to easily view graphs and compare 
the control to the experimental.  True we can do some basic processing between 
base and MeV or whatever they want to use, but its not that easy.

Thanks again for all the help,


From: Jari Häkkinen []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [base] Base 1.2 plugin - Virtual Array -1.1

Are you sure that all prerequisites are met? The plug-in configuration
and the Base1PluginExecutor should be shared appropriately. Also,
Virtual array works only on 2-channel data.


On 2011-03-10 17.25, Thomas Person wrote:
> Thanks!
> That change allows installation but once I atmpt to use the plugin,
> by clicking on  the "Run an Analysis Plugin" icon when looking at an
> experiment under Bioassay set, the option select the the plugin in
> the drop down menu does not appear.
> Thanks again,
> Thomas ________________________________________ From: Nicklas
> Nordborg [] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 1:11
> AM To: BASE ML Subject: Re: [base] Base 1.2 plugin - Virtual Array
> -1.1
> On 2011-03-08 22:28, Thomas Person wrote:
>> Howdy All,
>> I'm attempting to install the Virtual Array 1.1 plugin on my Base
>> 2.15 server. I get two sets of errors. ( I was able to install the
>> Center-2.1 Plugin with no error).
> Thanks for the report. I can verify that the VirtualArray plug-in
> can't be installed as is. There seems to be a bug in BASE that is
> related to the 'descr' field in the 'pluginVirtualArray.base' file.
> This file has a space instead of a tab character between the 'descr'
> and the rest of the line. Please change the space to a tab and then
> re-try the installation.
> /Nicklas
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