On 2011-03-16 19:04, Thomas Person wrote:
> Thanks that worked and am now able to see and run the Virtual Array
> plugin.  Unfortunately the plugin also fails with an error when running:
> Error: Error during export: Item not found: Unknown reporter field:
> reporter (you can add this field as an formula)

I have tried to investigate this and I think you'll need to create a 
formula (as the error message indicates) for the VirtualArray. 
Unfortunately this is not documented in the installation instructions...

In any case, here is what I think you need to do:

1. Go to View -> Formulas page and click on the "New" button.
2. In the popup window enter the following information:

    Name: reporter
    Expressions: rep('id')
    Value type: Integer
    Avg. method: None

All other parameters can be left at their default values.

3. Save and then try running the VirtualArray plug-in again.

I hope this works.


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