Hi Liam,

Thanks for the helpful suggestions. After trying everything you suggested and 
then also trying a few of Saxon's configuration options, unfortunately I'm 
still having the same problem. Trying a shell script that contains the 

MAIN="$( cd -P "$(dirname "$FILE")/../basex" && pwd )"
echo 1 Saxon
java -cp "$CP" net.sf.saxon.Transform -s:input1.xml -xsl:transform.xsl 
echo 2 BaseX transform
java -cp "$CP" org.basex.BaseX -q"(# db:catfile schemas/catalog.xml #) (# 
db:intparse false #) (# db:dtd true #) (# db:chop false #) { 
xslt:transform('input1.xml', 'transform.xsl') }"
echo 3 BaseX transform with Saxon features configured
 -cp "$CP" org.basex.BaseX -q"(# db:catfile schemas/catalog.xml #) (# 
db:intparse false #) (# db:dtd true #) (# db:chop false #) { 
xslt:transform('input1.xml', 'transform.xsl') }"
echo 4 BaseX doc to show XML Catalog is configured correctly to parse XML
java -cp "$CP" org.basex.BaseX -q"(# db:catfile schemas/catalog.xml #) (# 
db:intparse false #) (# db:dtd true #) (# db:chop false #) { doc('input1.xml') 

The classpath includes BaseX 9.3.3, Saxon HE 9.9, xml-resolver-1.2.jar, and 

  1.  The transformation works in Saxon and uses the catalog file to locate the 
DTD when parsing the XML input1.xml.
  2.  The BaseX xslt:transform should work the same as #1, but fails because 
the DTD cannot be read
  3.  Adding Saxon configuration for Entity Resolver Class and URI Resolve 
Class did not help
  4.  Simply parsing the XML using doc() in BaseX with the same configuration 
shows that the XML catalog is configured correctly within BaseX

Using strace -f, the log shows that BaseX xslt:transform is reading the 
catalog.xml file from disk, and then is trying (and failing) to read the DTD 
from the non-working URIL.

This might be a bug in xslt:transform, so the workaround of using a regular 
expression replace on the DOCTYPE system URI is probably the practical solution.

Many thanks,

Vincent M. Lizzi
Head of Information Standards | Taylor & Francis Group

Information Classification: General
From: Liam R. E. Quin <l...@fromoldbooks.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:55 PM
To: Lizzi, Vincent <vincent.li...@taylorandfrancis.com>; BaseX 
Subject: Re: [basex-talk] xslt:transform function not working with XML Catalog

On Thu, 2020-07-09 at 04:32 +0000, Lizzi, Vincent wrote:
> Hi Liam,
> Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Based on your suggestion I
> tried pragmas and strace, and had another go at
> CatalogManager.properties, but they've not had any effect.

use, strace -f java.... >& hugelogfile.txt
and after, grep -i catalogmanager.properties hugelogfile.txt
and you should see where it's looking. If it doesn't look for that
file, check to see if it opened the jar file containing the resolver.

If you're running BaseX from Oxygen, Oxygen needs to have it in its
classpath too i think.

Also, of course, see if the catalog file is actually being opened!

I actually wrote some of the code in BaseX that makes XML catalogs work
with transform(), or provided a rough draft that Christian improved :),
and debugging it was... interesting.

I'd also try an absolute path for the catalog file - if you are using
the BaseX server, relative paths will be relative to the directory
(folder) where the server itself is running. (and of course the server
needs the resolver in its classpath).

Messages from the catalog manager seem to go (oddly) to standard
output interleaved with any XML output.

The command-line i used for testing this (well, one of the tests) was,


java -Dxml.catalog.files=saxlog.xml -D'
om/*:$MAIN/lib/*: org.basex.BaseX try.xq

(Saxon was in $MAIN)

Liam Quin, 
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations: 

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