At 18:47 -0800 1/6/10, Ben wrote:
>G'day all,
>I routinely use BBEdit for coding SQL etc, and then have to select,
>copy, switch to the terminal window and paste to execute the line.
>Is there a way to create a key-stroke that will take the current line
>(or selection) and dump it into a nominated window.
>I'm guessing it might already exist (many other text editors have this
>sort of feature) or it means scripting something up?
>(As an example, the R built in editor uses Cmd-Enter to run either the
>current line or current selection in the R console. It would be great
>to be able to use BBEdit for R as well, see next post...)

Execute Text is a service I found somewhere long ago.  Have a look at BBEdit's 
BBEdit menu and see if there is a usable service already provided by Apple.

Ann then you can use BBEdit worksheets but perhaps not if you need to use the 
file as an input source to SQL later. That capability died with BBEdit 5 or so 
when Bare Bones changed the format of worksheets from simple TEXT to XML.

The worksheet method allows retention of shell variables - like PWD - The 
service concept will spawn a new shell that is ignorant of earlier settings. 
Applescript will do the same thing while insisting that you use sh instead of 


--> A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't <--
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