Good morning,

On 8/2/15 at 10:13 AM +1100, Alex Satrapa <> wrote:

It's hard to know what BBEdit is failing at for you because "powerfully categorizing, tagging, organizing and prioritizing docs" is really going to change from person to person.

For me, the one thing BBEdit is missing is the drop-down sheet for changing the document name, and more importantly modifying tags. I use tags for doing my categorising, tagging, etc. Then I use Finder to find the documents I’m after (or more specifically, Spotlight window with “show all in Finder”).

Have you upgraded to the latest BBEdit, click the document icon and change the file name. Click 'reveal; to show the file in the Finder, and add the desired tags.

I understand that's an extra step to reveal in Finder, and past that I'm not sure how in/effective it is; I don't rely on tags much. A right click on the document (in Finder) allows changing tags; that's pretty easy.

What do the other programs do with file management that BBEdit (or Finder) doesn't do. If it's just a tagged (flat) document filing structure, then Yojimbo might be good for you. Note, it is *not* a Finder replacement.

When Super Get Info was no longer supported, I felt the pain of file management within BBEdit. But there have been heaps of improvements in the meantime. Aside from tags (which can be easily managed in Finder), what file management features do you need that are missing from BBEdit?

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the Finder, but I've yet to see something that I think does the job better. And BBEdit is forcing me less & less into the Finder. I'm curious to know about other file management utilities and why people like them.


   Charlie Garrison  <>

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