
You might want to look at it from a different perspective: "what is
the problem you're trying to solve?", not from the perspective of:
"which file-management tool will do what I want?".

>From what you describe, you've got a lot of different scraps in flight
and would like a safe place to put them that doesn't have to be well
organized, but can be searchable, taggable, and organized when/if you

I'd suggest that Evernote solves your problem.  You can use BBEdit as
your primary editor still, cut and paste stuff to Evernote.  Have
stuff by default go into an INBOX and keep different notebooks for
categorization as you feel like and when you feel like organizing.
Simply copy/cut the text in question and then a ^-cmd-v shortcut (at
least in my configuration) will create a new Evernote note from what
you have in the clipboard.  It'll bring it right up, you can tag it,
close it and go right back to your editing in BBEdit.

Later you can organize your notes as you need.  You can search on the
text or the tags (or both) and so on...  Safe, but quick and as
organized or unorganized as you need.

Anyway, that's one solution to the problem you're describing.

- Steve

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 7:54 AM, Jimmbo <jimleff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ----------
> "I don't understand why you have literally hundreds of untitled documents in 
> various stages of completion, and how that's somehow connected with BBEdit 
> auto-saving unnamed documents. "
> ----------
> It's gotta be titled and saved somewhere, right? I don't always know where a 
> given piece of writing fits into things, or what it should be titled, or 
> whether it's going to endure beyond the first few minutes. As I write, I 
> might strike a big block of text that doesn't seem belong, and throw it into 
> a new document. What am I going to title that, "Text Split Off Which May Be 
> Recyclable Elsewhere, Feb-11-15"?  And file it in a  folder called 
> "Split-Offs"? By the time I've done that, I've lost my flow in my original 
> document. No, it sits in an untitled window! Lots of stuff sits in untitled 
> windows!
> I often use BBedit as a scratchpad, and  scratches may develop into ideas, 
> and ideas into projects. A truly modern app would chaperone data through 
> these stages of evolution,  allowing me to re-categorize, re-organize, 
> re-tag, and re-file them on the fly, as I go. I would not mind TAGGING that 
> split-off within the app. That's quick. Or I could handle it via en-masse 
> categorization later, in periodic bouts of housekeeping. Managing this 
> housekeeping via tons of Finder dialog boxes  - determining arbitrary names 
> and file system locations for files of widely varying levels of evolution, 
> precision, and long term viability -  is ungainly and unfit to the task.
> Yes, there are times when I start working on "String Bean Article", which 
> lives in the "Newsweek Magazine" folder. Nice! But more frequently something 
> I'm working on MAY be a blog posting, or MAY prove sellable, or may just be 
> posted to FB, or may be cannibalized into something else or emailed to 
> someone. The possible uses for and destinations of text are endless! How do I 
> title? Where do I save? Neither metaphor seems to apply!
> The classic incentive to title/save is so you don't lose your work in 
> crashes. But a recent BBedit version started auto-saving untitled docs. Since 
> I no longer have that concern, BBedit has turned into a mega-monstrous 
> scratchpad, utterly untamed and out of control.
> The formality of opening a new document and immediately naming it and 
> assigning it a nice crisp directory location (presumably with beautiful 
> posture and a steaming cup of java by my hand) is very 1993. That's not how 
> many of us use computers anymore. Especially not an app like BBedit,  a 
> utility designed to bulk handle that most granular and omnipresent of 
> commodities....text.
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