Alex Satrapa wrote:
I also use Byword for editing Markdown documents. My preference for which editor to use changes depending on my mood and the weather. Sometimes I prefer Byword’s “formatting” of Markdown (markup is faded out, marked-up headings are bold and larger, italicised or bolded words actually are italicised or bolded). Other times I prefer BBEdit’s handling. Neither are “WYSIWYG” editors though.
Yep, I also frequently use MultiMarkdown Composer, which is pretty similar to Byword. (I own both and eventually found myself using MMC more, in part for some of the geeky exporting and preprocessing bits.) I've created a BBEdit style which fades out the markup and uses colors I like, but I'd love it if BBEdit's syntax highlighting could do the bold/italics. Of course, BBEdit may have the fastest syntax highlighting engine of any editor on the market (the developer of another Mac editor has done some informal benchmarking, and suggests that only Emacs comes close), and I wouldn't want it to lose that.
I’ve been happily using Atlasssian’s “SourceTree” git GUI side-by-side with 
BBEdit. “The right tool for the right job” and all that :)
Yep. I use Kaleidoscope for that frequently. (I do use BBEdit's diff for other things, but Kaleidoscope can handle a three-way merge, which comes up more often than I'd expect on our documentation.)

I've tried a couple ways to better integrate BBEdit with Git but none of them really worked well for me. Until there's an official integration I'll probably stay on the command line or the Github client.

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