Thanks, Lee, but that’s not a “compact/terse list”. Nonetheless, following your 
hint, I decided to extract the espresso (using BBEdit as my espresso machine, 
of course) and here it is. 

To suit your taste(s), you can add your preferred amount of textured milk to 
produce a macchiato, a cappuccino, a latte, or a venti. I hope it’s useful to 



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> On Mar 10, 2018, at 10:29 AM, Lee Hinde <> wrote:
> Look for Expert Preferences in BBEdit Help (under the Help Menu).
>> On Mar 10, 2018, at 9:24 AM, F. Alfredo Rego <> wrote:
>> Very Nice, Patrick.
>> Is there a compact/terse list of all of these great “accessory prefs” 
>> somewhere?
>> Thanks.
>> Alfredo
>>> On Mar 10, 2018, at 10:12 AM, Patrick Woolsey <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 3/9/18 at 6:11 PM, (Brian Christiansen) wrote:
>>>>> defaults write com.barebones.bbedit ProjectsListCanAcquireKeyboardFocus 
>>>>> -bool YES
>>>> Patrick, thank you. Now I have to struggle with whether I actually like 
>>>> this or not. Because the Project sidebar is instant-activation, by which I 
>>>> mean, it opens the file as soon as it's highlighted. So if I want to arrow 
>>>> down 10 files to open the 10th, I wind up opening 1–10. On first 
>>>> experiment, I opened 30 files in 1.5 seconds, unintentionally. ("This is 
>>>> why it's not enabled by default behavior", Patrick thinks to himself.)
>>>> However, playing with this in the Currently open documents pane, that I've 
>>>> liked a lot.
>>> Apropos of when BBEdit opens files, there is an accessory pref as follows:
>>> =======
>>> Projects
>>> [...]
>>> * Project windows will ordinarily open an item in the file list for
>>>  editing when you click on it and the editing view is visible. To
>>>  require a double-click:
>>>  [ please issue the following Terminal command ]
>>>  defaults write com.barebones.bbedit ProjectsOpenItemsOnSingleClick -bool NO
>>> =======
>>> so you may wish to apply it as well. :-)
>>>>> Control-Tab
>>>>> Control-Shift-Tab
>>>> Thank you, Chris! This one is completely new to me.
>>> FWIW you can use these key shortcuts to switch between panes within a 
>>> window in (nearly) every Mac application.
>>> Regards,
>>> Patrick Woolsey
>>> ==
>>> Bare Bones Software, Inc.             <>
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