Mike Mohr wrote:
> Please don't misunderstand the following comments.  
English _is_ my second language but I will do my best to not 
misunderstand the following comments.  I hope you do the same.
> I am not
> disparaging the great work done by the bcm43xx team, but the fact is
> that a reverse engineered driver will never be as good as a driver for
> which the original source code or specs are released by the
> manufacturer.  
That is not a fact.  That's an unproven assertion.
> As a result,
> support for their chips in Linux is just superb;
Whatever subjective phrase "support...is...just superb" there's no such 
causality.  That means, to use smaller words, that there's no indication 
that the "superb support" is BECAUSE they released open-source drivers.  
I'm sure that is a factor, but it's not a CAUSE.
> If you want a card that will work
> perfectly in all situations, go with a card that has a Ralink chipset.
If I wanted a commercial or spam I'd join another list.


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