>Thanks for your explanation Markess. I was unfamiliar with the term
>"conings" as you had assumed.
>As for radionics, I am a bit surprised that you (of course I don't know you
>so I'm not sure why I am surprised...) use a radionic device. I am NOT a bd
>purist, or purist of any kind. However, my intuition or gut instinct of
>depending on such a device is that it is a form of giving away one's power.
>I think it useful to use tools to train ourselves to be the instrument,
>making the tool ultimately redundant. So if these gauge's, pipes, machines
>help you eventually learn to do all of these things "by hand" as you say,
>then more power to you! (forgive the pun). I am sure to hear cries of
>treason on this list as we know many who swear by these devices, which I
>know have been around a while. Perhaps it's a form of laziness to
>allow/expect devices to take up such patrols for you? I mean no disrespect
>from this--we all have time constraints and make choices as to what acts to
>perform ourselves and which to have others or other things do for us.

Dear Jane,

Giving away one's power? Basically a radionic instrument is a vehicle for
intent. Prayer is efficacious, but as a vehicle all we have is a brief
focus of our thought, and often our intent is very, very general. With
radionic instruments we can ask questions as well as set up treatments that
are extremely specific.  And then we use the instrument as a way of
focusing and stabilizing our intent for specific periods of time. Thus with
radionic instruments we EXTEND our power, which is a far cry from giving it

Hugh Lovel

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