Title: Re: Peppermint Essential Oil

One thing that I have noticed is the improved vitality of be hives when
sited within the working area of a field broadcaster broadcasting Biodynamic
remedies, particularly horn silica. Have others on the list noted beehive
wellbeing in connection with the broadcasting of Biodynamic remedies.

Last year the fellow who runs the hives here reported that this yard produced half again as much honey. He used to bring his poorest hives here and I'd balance them up and they would do as well as his best. But with 2 mild winters and the rapidity of the divisions of the colonies from here he had no poor hives.

So our usual Christmas allotment was unusual at several cases!

I haven't written of the huge number of frogs here in comparison to before the broadcaster or in comparison to neighbors. There is no comparison esp. the big tree frogs. They are still active even with some draught here.

In Love & Light

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