Allan wrote>
> I noticed over and over again that as I asked Mr. York or
> Mr. Brinton about the effectiveness of one dynamic approach to
> another - - from Heinz Groetzke's 100% chicken manure tea to radionic
> application, each of them in their own way and own words asked 'Why
> would a person need that? There must be something fairly basic that
> is not right or you wouldn't be looking for something so extreme.'
I agree wholeheartedly with getting the basics right first - but cant agree
that radionics (or homeopathic use of BDpreps ) is extreme - opposite I
would have thought - very subtle ! . I reckon using big licks of compost is
extreme, accepting as normal, a quarter or less of commercial yields is
extreme, growing plants under more or less continuous moisture stress to
induce mineralised fruit is extreme, bombing a vineyard on a regular basis
with elemental sulphur seems extreme, using radionics to remove the need for
some of these tactics would seem to be pretty worthwhile to me.
While I dont agree with the use of radionics to flog a particular brand of
product I do agree with Gil that we should take notice of the results gained
by professional practicioners after all does Alan York consult for free?
Does Brinton do lab testing for free so as to remain unbiased ? I still
think too that once someone (anyone) decides that radionics (or anything
else) has no place in the system they become quite blind to anything but the
most blatantly obvious result. When I posted on brix and frost a few weeks
back Elaine Ingham just could not accept the possibility that I may have
been right in saying that high brix in the crop sap rendered that crop less
prone to frosting - no it was the microbes pure and simple, the critters did
it by generating warmth!!, OK I maybe do have the microbes going better than
the guy down the road, but I sure as hell know I had brix going way way
better, It wouldnt have cost much to consider the possibility. I think these
two guys above are a tad biased in their outlook and approach to radionics
and (probably) homeopathic preps. These days when I hear "prove it" . I just
say  "nah! you go look for your self". If the person has an open mind and
there's something there they'll see it - if they're open to the possibility
and cant see they'll ask to be shown, if they're not open no amount of
'proving' will make the difference!!
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

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