Hi Roger,
Seems as if we have a good discussion going among the Wizards of the Land of Oz. Surely there must be some 0f our American subscribers who have experience in this subject that they can bring to bear on the subject of changing polarities in soils to affect changes.
It certainly is a fascinating subject soil polarities and geopathic stress areas.

Garuda wrote:

>How are you "changing the energy of the farm to cut down bredding rates"? Is
>this being achieve without peppering????

Yes. In terms of mammals I have an innate dislike of peppering for
several reasons, not least of which is that it does nothing about the
actual problem, just moves it on to someone else's shoulders.

In my experience the energy of a place can be changed in a number of
ways, sometimes simply, sometimes esoterically. Simplistically, I
suppose I could say that whenever a plant is put in the ground it has
the potential to change the energy, or change the manner in which
inherent energy works, one way or another.

For now I'll keep it simple. A few days ago I referred to the double
spiral (vortex) in your 'Spiral Astrology' on your website. Think about
that image for a moment. Walk anywhere there are trees and I guarantee
you will find one or more that have twisted bark or branches that splay
out in an unnatural circular manner. I'm sure you know the sort of thing
I mean.  Usually the cause is a pure energy vortex (in many cases a
double vortex) which has positive polarity. That means the energy swirls
clockwise and goes down into the ground. The energy itself is cooled and
is being 'pulled' into the vortex from distances that depend on its
size, and in the process that twists trees and shrubs (harming or
killing them over long periods of time) and anything else which happens
to be in the way, and is generally harmful for the soil making things
harder to grow.

There are also negative polarity vortexes (vortices) which do the
opposite - that is, they swirl counterclockwise bringing warm air up
from an underground source (often an underground stream or lake).

Vortexes (vortices) can be reversed but not everyone can do it.
Micro-climates can be created in hostile climatic conditions using
negative vortexes.

If you look on the soil as a living organism (which it is) with a
capacity to determine its own needs and work on fulfilling them (which
it does) then it becomes fairly evident that rabbits and other 'pests'
including weeds are 'grown' for a purpose. (However, it takes a huge
attitudinal shift to accept that soils can 'think' for themselves.) The
problem, then, is not the creature or plant itself but over-population
and that is all we should be seeking to control.. We can do that  with a
mix of energy changes and spiritual guidance. I appreciate the
difficulty or impossibility of developing a product which incorporates
such things but in fact we already have the means - about 5% of the
population have the necessary ability. One need not be on-the-spot
either, it can be done from a distance.


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