On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 20:00:26 +1000, Resonant Info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been reading up a little on voodoo, catholic relics and such. There seems to be quite a strong parallel between say, Malcolm Rae cards and other representative forms of actual BD preps, and the holy icon cards and relics of the catholic saints. Voodoo also shares this in its use of charms and prayer seems remarkably like the expression of intent and request "if thy will be done"/God willing.
Are any of you conversant with these other uses of icons. Are they the same or if they are different, how so?

I've read and re-read the above. My thought is that the writer is taking a major swipe at radionics.

To what purpose? Let me tell a story that may make the writer rethink the idea of saddling the "voodoo" label on radionics.

I am not a BD practitioner, but I appreciate BD along with all other farming methods that are kind to the earth. Several years ago I was at a major farm show in State College PA. I became engaged in a conversation with a county extension agent. In my opinion, the man was little more than a shill for the chemical industry but he kept claiming that he was "fair" to alternative agriculture. I challenged him on that point and suggested he investigate biodynamic practice. I pointed him to the BDNow list and even suggested he contact the listowner directly so that he (the agent) could get a full understanding.

By this time there were quite a few chemical farmers gathered around our discussion. The agent suddenly said, "Come off it---you're talking about that voodoo shit where somebody digs up a set of goat gonads and slings them over the barn on a moonlit night." The crowd started cheering him on and the whole thing got me flustered. The more I tried to get across a few BD thoughts, the more jeers of "voodoo" came from the assembled chemical nitwits. The more I tried to explain BD "forces," the louder the laughing became. I left thoroughly disgusted.

My point? I don't think BD can stand all the in-fighting I sometimes see on this list. I love a challenge, but I don't like labeling. Trying to attach the "voodoo" label to radionics as a personal means to discredit radionics is surely not the way to go. Instead, why not challenge the radionics people to show you the quality of goods their methods can produce? If what they produce is better than what you produce, perhaps you could take another look.

And the same courtesy should go to Greg Willis. Greg gets a lot of heat for his homeopathic variation on BD. Why not let him present his proof instead of finding some novel way of telling him he is a nutcase. If Greg can prove his style of BD minimizes disease even as it greatly increases the quality, then I think maybe we should all shut up and listen.

I just don't think BD should spend all that time in-fighting. Let the produce quality settle the arguments.

Rex Harrill
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