Below is Brian's article on Radionics published in the Newsleaf. Brian has sent it to me to forward to BDNow. He also included Hugh's response, but until we get Hugh's permission I will not post it. I guess Hugh must be still away as he has not contributed to this thread yet.

A Perspective on Radionics & Field Broadcasters - Brian Keats

In the world of Biodynamics(BD) there is a gathering momentum in the use of radionics and Field Broadcaster instruments. What are they, how can we understand them, what effects do they have?

The premise that everything is vibration with a wave like nature is the basis for research and development into the above mentioned instruments.

Definitions, claimed effects and uses

Radionic Potentising Devices:
Translates substance into a pattern that can be:-
1. copied (e.g. a herb or tinctures energy field can be translated and placed into a separate medicine phial or pilule);
2. projected across near or remote distances;
3. have its frequency (potency) changed.

With the aid of dowsing a geometric pattern card can be made, having specific circles and vector lines added to it, that can represent any substance or thing. This representation can then be used in lieu of a herb, metal, mineral, medicine etc.
The devices do not have an external source of power but do have electronic coil based circuitry.

Field Broadcasters
Usually are built into a section of PVC piping and work on the principles of radionics and can broadcast life forces (like BD preparations) over large acreage with stationary self-induction equipment. Reagents, or their card substitutes, are put into the device with a map of the intended area to be broadcast over and the pipe is activated for a specific time. There is no battery or mains power source needed but they do have electrical components in them and a very small voltage would be generated from the device. This eliminates the considerable effort needed to stir the preparations and spread them out over the land physically. The preparations do not even get used up! If one is using reagent cards, then that could remove the need to make or buy the preparations, or purchase specific minerals and trace elements.


A lot of energy has gone into explanations, debates and arguments as to whether and how radionic devices and Field Broadcasters work. From my perspective I think that it is conceivable that they do, or can have, some of the effects claimed. The trend is that we are working with ever more subtle things that do not appear very substantial but nonetheless, the effect of their forces is very far reaching. There is not much physically to mobile phones and they continue to get smaller and have less and less hardware between them. There is an inverse relationship between substance and process - ever less substance and ever more powerful process. The computer chip is another example. Patterns too are known to have their effects psychically and thereby physically. Meditating on a symbol of the cross, a circle or on a mandala are examples.

The issues for me rather are:-
What is working or ensouling or enspiriting this type of technology?
How is self-deception avoided?
What is the price to be paid for the ease it offers?
How do we go forward morally in researching these technologies?
Should food or medicine radionically produced be labelled differently?

If a radionics device copies a biodynamic preparation onto a Rae Card (pattern represented on a card with circles and vector lines) then we have something that was 3D; accessible to all the senses; metamorphosing; different according to location, season, method of making and people who made it - compared to something 2D, with fixed form and that provides little access for human physical senses.

I can well imagine that these technological instruments could simulate something that represents a preparation filled with life. If I compare that which is simulated to the change that takes place when we use the technology of the telephone:- human speech is copied and transmitted - we recognise the speech patterns and can determine the message and who is speaking. The received sound patterns are an image of the real thing but not the real thing itself. The information is there but not the beautiful subtle quality of the reality. Even the sound waves have been changed, many have been dropped off and the rest averaged out. This image, like that in a mirror, can be seductively like, but not the same, as the real thing.

I have to ask: What does technology do and what is its price?
One could say that the lever began the journey into technology. The lever enables us to do work that we could not do, relying on our bodily strength alone. It makes work easier but there is a price paid for this gain of ease in every machine. In the levers case we have to move the lever a greater distance than the load on the lever actually moves. We might lift something 4X heavier but we have to move our effort end of the lever 4X farther than the load at the other end of the lever actually moves. A small price to pay.

What about a later technology ............. a steam or combustion engine? Here air (pneuma / life spirit) is driven away through engineered actions and creations done via human beings. A space is created in which nothing from the realms of Nature can survive. An incredible amount of work gets done with these machines and now the effort seems to be cut out too! And the price? This is exacted on the environment. Pollution and destruction of forests for example. The more our consciousness is directed to the material world for self gratification the more we destroy life. To keep it in perspective - it is part of human destiny to work with matter! There is also a corresponding effect on our soul life. Can we ensoul these machines? Nature abhors a vacuum (and a combustion chamber too I am sure!). However sub-nature is quite content in the realm of technology. It will ensoul such machines and counter forces of life.

The stakes get higher as we start to manipulate the sensory organisation of the Earth with satellite technology, World Wide Web and mobile phones. So much easier to be a world citizen! What is our discount price now? The vibrant, pulsating, breathing of the Earth (and human beings) is enmeshed in a tightening cordon of cold, rigid, ossifying sense invisible, technical vibrations. This sharp latticework is quite convenient for something already ensouled through combustion machines to enspirit itself. This spirit is not necessarily conducive to the human spirit with its divine origins. This powerful force, this conscious spirit could conceivably kill the Earth and make this wondrous organism with a consciousness into a machine!

Radionic type devices do not have the brute power of some of the above technologies. Nonetheless they are technological denaturing devices. I think we are deluding ourselves if we think that there will be no price to pay. Sure they may be able to broadcast copies of substances, thoughts and intentions even. But are they the same as the real thing? Can even good intentions be usurped by some adversarial power?

A wave, whether it be sound, light, heat, gamma or any other, is a medium for energy to be carried - I doubt if it is the energy itself. Love, one imagines, is a radiation of a subtly powerful warmth that pervades all and could possibly be carried by the light of Sun and stars. Love exists before there is even light or any other emitter or manifestation of frequencies of wave lengths.

Ever more we are going to be called on to assess effects of ever more subtle devices. These devices are appearing at a greater rate than people will be able to fully test them. We need to be discerning but do not necessarily have the scientific training to research every device and present the findings in a way acceptable to the main-stream community. Neither can we just wait, stand frozen until something is definitely proven before we choose to use or not use something. I think our basic criteria for assessment is to compare it to the source of life with our refined common-sense that we bare innately within us i.e. start developing our gut feelings and conscience into full consciousness.

An expression for the source of all life is The Word. To westerners It is also know as The Logos or Christ. This Creative Love Power is common to all root religions even though It may go under different names.
From St Johns Gospel we have:-
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was a God.

Many cultures have their cosmogony rooted in sound. What kind of sound is the Logos? What kind of frequencies are they that carry the powers that create everything that ever was and still continue to do so? That fills the universe with life, beautiful form, reasoned wisdom and thoroughly permeates it with Love? It is not physical sound that can set ones eardrums vibrating but rather the sound ether or spirit sound which is also imbued with the life ether. These ethers along with warmth and light are born out of the quintessential fifth ether.

Can a technology do anything like the Creation Power???????? And then:- why do we have the power of speech? Why are Human Beings said to be seed of the Logos? What powers are transmitted along the wave lengths and frequencies of our speech? Are they changed by what we think, feel and do? Do we have the potential to create a life-logy a heightened-consciousness-bio-logy rather than a techno-logy? Can we become as the Logos?

What about our intent when working with machines? Can we overcome the negative forces of technology with good intent? Perhaps. I think we have the potential to do so but I also feel that we tend to delude ourselves with our current capacities. We might have the idea to use a Field Broadcaster to radiate the 500 BD preparation over our farm. We put the prep in one of the pipe wells with a map of our farm and write down an intent in the name of good powers on a piece of paper. The machine is then switched on. The machine might be on for hours or even days. Our will power was switched for a few moments whilst writing the intent. Does the few moments of conscious willed intent match up to the machines relentless radiation???

Technology has its place, to be sure, and future technology has to be morally researched for its place to be found. Technology also displaces. It tends to separate us from that which makes us human. We cannot be human without community, without other humans. As we become more technical we have to fight very hard not to become more cold and displaced from people. Technology appears to offer an easier solution to apply preparations to large acreage and tempts us away from finding a healthy, life-to-the-Earth-giving social solution.

Technology per se is not bad or evil. It has a task in our evolution to help us meet matter and develop and know ourselves through this meeting. However there is a limit to the length of its task, and a balance for how much we use it. It can and has sucked us (humanity) into materialism and we have to find the strength to rise out of its grip whilst we still have a chance to redeem what we have done to the Earth through its use.

Labelling and certification. Radionics is used extensively in the production of homoeopathic medicines (but not anthroposophic) and has been for some time. There is a good chance that biodynamics will head the same way. When you purchase homeopathic medicines you have no direct way of knowing from the label whether it is produced radionically, or from the succussing of a mother tincture in the original way. We are in the age of making conscious choices and that is what labelling is there for.

I feel that homoeopathic medicines radionically treated should state that on the label and so should biodynamic produce. It is also an issue whether anything grown without the use of the real preparations applied in a direct way should be called or certified biodynamic.

Rainmaking. Like technology, new ideas and cultural practices too have their place. A current practice amongst some BD practitioners is to use the BD preparations for rain making. This has become popularised through the American researcher Hugh Lovel who also makes and sells Field Broadcasters. The idea that the BD preparations are not just for the below ground and surface effects, but are also for proactive workings with the atmosphere, is excellent. We need to start directing our thoughts and activities upwards - and not just with agricultural practices! I have no doubt that, with the ailing Earth and human destiny, we have a task ahead of us to influence weather. How we go about it and the consciousness we carry with it, can have vastly different effects. A way, is to radionically broadcast preparations into the atmosphere with some good intent. Another way could be for people to gather together to sing and dance and work with the preparations in a fully conscious way out of the seed of the Logos they bare. The Human Being is innately audacious since the Fall. We dare to think that we can be creative with the elements .......... even the weather.

To think and act independently of the will of the gods, if we choose, is a gift humanity received. This gift can also be a curse. If we become inflated with our ideas, this hubris could lead us towards a major self deception. We can endeavour to impose our will on the weather or we can endeavour to understand the life of the Earth and work co-operatively with the beings (including human) around her. How do we bring about that which is good for all beings? is the question we need constantly ask of ourselves. Developing that spirit-common-sense will help us towards finding the right answers that we all have within.


Biodynamics is all about life. I feel the preparations have been arrived at out of a life-logos through the work of Rudolf Steiner. The BD preparations do not have much substance but nonetheless they can be Life-filled and the effects are profound. We as makers and users of these preparations have an exciting, mysterious journey ahead. We are nowhere near our potential, and neither is our making and use of the preparations.

We are never there in BD. Just as we hope that other people are able to stretch themselves to understand the methods and practices of biodynamic agriculture, we need to hope for ourselves to be able to stretch continually farther in our understanding and practising of the profound impulses that lie behind the method. In essence are dealing with the transformation of substance in a way that was probably not possible before Christ entered into the Earth.

Brian Keats

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