On Tue, 8/15/17, Przemek Klosowski <przemek.klosow...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [beagleboard] "no display name and no $display environment 
 To: beagleboard@googlegroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 5:04 AM
 On Mon,
 Aug 14, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Harke Smits <yrra...@gmail.com>
 Thank you
 very much, I keep on learning. My application now runs fine
 manually from XTerminal. Now I want  to run the application
 on boot. I figured out a systemd service is problably the
 way to go. I managed to define that (ac.service) and run it
 on boot up. I wrote:[Unit]After =
 grafical.target[Service]Type =
 idleExecStart = /home/debian/eme {etc to run
 Python script and make log
 This sort of works but the
 application does not start: the log file gives the famous
 $DISPLAY error. I try to start my application last, so after
 the X server has been started. Maybe the
 "WantedBy" statement is wrong?
 The default setup
 in systemd starts the graphical target (btw, graphical not
 grafical), and runs the login manager which then runs
 graphical desktop manager which allows you to run your
 app.The simplest way to handle it is to use the
 'autostart' feature of the display
 manager. You can replace the whole setup in
 systemd by doing what you are doing, but you have to take
 out the display/login manager. You will also
 need to
 addEnvironment="DISPLAY=:0" and
 maybe XAUTHORITY to the [Service}
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 n numele unei asa-zise ascutiri a luptei de clasa  a organizarii si 
manifestarii dictaturiiproletariatului din teoria marxist leninista   au fost 
incalcate brutal drepturi si libertati democratice elementare ale oamenilor. 
Orice forma de opozitie a fost reprimata violent. Sub acuzatia imaginara de 
tradare   sabotaj  sau agenti ai imperialismului  a fost profund afectat tot 
corpul de elita al vietii politice si culturale interbelice. intre 1947-1952 au 
fost inscenate numeroase procese politice  ca cel impotriva liderilor 
Partidului National taranesc - luliu Maniu si Ion Mihalache si altele  ce s-au 
soldat cu pedepse grele la inchisoare sau lagare de munca  unde au pierit multi 
adversari ai comunistilor. Au fost lichidate  cu brutalitate  incercarile de 
rezistenta armata din zona muntilor Bucegi  Fagaras. S-a manifestat totusi  
desi firav  o rezistenta militara la instaurarea regimului comunist. Au 
actionat  astfel  grupuri inarmate  ca de exemplu in Banat -Tanase  lonescu  
Blanaru  Spiru  in Oltenia -maiorul Dumitriu in Arges - Traian Marinescu  
Fagaras - general Arsanescu si fratii Arnautoiu. in cadrul constituirii noului 
aparat de stat  intre 1948-1949 s-au creat Securitatea si Militia populara. 
Securitatea a devenit un instrument de teroare si represiune  indreptat 
impotriva oricarui opozant al noului regim. Ea era coordonata de generali  
dintre care unii erau agenti ai serviciilor de spionaj  ca A. Nikolski  P. 
Bodnarenko. in 1952 si-a inceput activitatea de reprimare Alexandru Draghici  
devenit ulterior ministru de interne.

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