
Please see my reactions in-line.


Le 25/11/2015 01:13, Adrian Farrel a écrit :
Yeah, thanks Martin.

The slide has...

==Raising the bar?==
. Some documents are being pushed to IESG but
without any implementation (plan) to support
. We are thinking of "requiring" that at least one
implementation exists before handing the
document to IESG
. Thoughts?

The first bullet allows for a plan to implement, the second requires
implementation. The use of quotes in the second bullet suggests that you may be
considering that the requirement may be flexible. Obviously we have an opening
for discussion, but I wonder how you would decide when to be flexible.

Good question :-) Indeed, the intent is to not be blindly strict. But defining the margins of flexibility is the tricky part then. I am pretty sure that this will be on a case by case with the default being the 1 implem requirement.
I'll take an example: draft-ietf-bess-pta-flags
It defines 2 registries as well as a new BGP Extended Community together with the associated processing procedures. The latter is definitely subject to being implemented and as such subject to the requirement we are discussing. However, what this document really does is to define a mechanism in support of specific needs. So I think that this could be a case where we could skip the 1 implem requirement (but apply it to the specs that use pta-flags).

The minutes are a good indication of the level of support you received in the
room, but not a deep discussion :-) There seems to be some confusion in the
discussion between expediting (or unblocking) I-Ds that have an implementation,
and delaying (or blocking) I-Ds that don't have implementations. While, in a
world of limited resources, the two things are related, ideally we are not
significantly gating the progress of one I-D because we are busy processing
I'd say there are different points of view rather than confusion. In a situation where implementations are not considered mandatory, having one might indeed be a criteria for moving faster through the process but I think this is one amongst several possible other criterion.

Now, I really, really support your motivation, viz. to reduce the pointless,
unreviewed, unnecessary, or substandard drafts being sent for publication. The
question is how to achieve that.
The primary intent here is to send to IESG only documents that have an implementation. It makes their case stronger, is a contribution to reducing the load on IESG's shoulders, and also it anyway makes little sense to push through the standardization process an implementable specification but for which no implementation exists. The moment to submit to iesg is definitely a good time (and the last possible from a chair's perspective) to think about that.

Now, your two sentences above open the door to a broader set of potential actions that could be taken to reach the objective, actions which are relevant during the I-D life cycle within the WG. But I guess this is a broader discussion.

Adrian (still thinking about this)

-----Original Message-----
From: BESS [] On Behalf Of Martin Vigoureux
Sent: 24 November 2015 23:17
Subject: Re: [bess] Introducing a one-implementation requirement before WG
last calls

Hi Adrian,

indeed, minutes should have been available sooner. situation has been

The basic motivation for this is simply to avoid (over)loading the iesg
with documents that have no (and could possibly never have an)
implementation. Or, at least, if every spec gets implemented, it is to
prioritize them.

The discussion happened at the beginning of the meeting. It was on one
of the slides I have presented as part of the WG status.


Le 24/11/2015 17:07, Adrian Farrel a écrit :
Hi Thomas,

It's really hard to enter this discussion with any context.

Could you post the minutes from the meeting and maybe summarise the points
favour of this approach?
(Of course, I can listen to the audio when I have some spare time.)


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