>Sure _you_ are not convinced. But believe me, those other 99.9% of users
>out there just cried crap for the last 6 years because Squeezebox did
>anything other than full-text search.
I can't remember it being mentioned in the forum or bugzilla before.

I'm not against full text search, it will have its uses, but it doesn't help me 
in my day to day use.  If matching album titles appear at the top of the list 
before albums with only song matches, then it shouldn't detract as much as it 
is right now, it's just that I won't benefit 95% of the time by the extra hits 
in the results.  I can live with that.

But it doesn't quite seem to hang together and seems inconsistent with offering 
a type of thing to search for, some being full text, and others not.

It would seem better to me to do it similar to other websites and applications. 
 By default "Search All", but provide a Search Artists, Albums, or Songs that 
only searches the respective titles.

Discogs.com search does full text search, but it also provides search for 
releases (which only searches album titles), and artists.
Similarly in iTunes and MusicIP, search by default does full text search 
returning artists, albums or songs.  But selecting to search for albums only 
searches album titles.
I think most sites are like this.

To be honest, I felt the same when Windows 7 Explorer switched to a simplistic 
text search, compared to WinXP search.  Every time I need to do a specific 
search I end up searching the internet to figure out what text monikers and 
wildcard formats I can enter to do the type of search I need; it's ghastly.
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