On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 05:41:15PM +0200, Armin K. via blfs-dev wrote:
> You seem to be missing one important piece of software in this
> discussion, and that's the one and only device manager, the (E)Udev.
> (E)Udev is responsible for "tagging" a device that can be accessed
> through a seat that is managed by (E)logind.
> What I'd suggest for you Ken, is to verify the existence of the
> following (E)Udev rules on your system:
> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/login/70-uaccess.rules.m4

the only match for 'input' is

# joysticks
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}=="?*", TAG+="uaccess"

But according to 
Access is granted and revoked to open file descriptors, instead of
the device node.

And there is a link to

> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/login/71-seat.rules.in

This looks more hopeful

SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="input*", TAG+="seat"

I guess that should be what controls this.

> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/login/73-seat-late.rules.m4

And that rules file exists.

> Your (E)udev needs to be built with ACL support, as the access to the
> tagged nodes is granted through access controls. You can verify if your
> user has correct access on the nodes with "getfacl /dev/input/event0"
> for example.
> This way, no old-fashined group membership is required for audio, video,
> cdrom, input, etc groups - if you have a local seat you have access to
> these nodes, and they are granted using access controls by udev itself.

On my systems with elogind, nothing -

getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: dev/input/event0
# owner: root
# group: input

And after the noise when changing to a different tty I did set the
following in my kernels:


which also enabled


The log from my build of eudev has no mention of acl or ACL.

> Kind regards.

Thanks.  I'm convinced there is probably something simple and
trivial missing.  Will look at the google results for
 elogind seat access not working

Hmm, the many pages turned out to be far fewer as I dug down.

Running X on tty1 with myself in the input group ind switching to
tty2 to run loginctl shows

     c1 1000 ken  seat0 tty1
     c2 1000 ken  seat0 tty2

2 sessions listed.

Hmm, following on from that I looked at the linked

# This file is part of elogind.

auth     sufficient pam_unix.so nullok try_first_pass

account  required   pam_nologin.so
account  sufficient pam_unix.so

password sufficient pam_unix.so nullok sha512 shadow try_first_pass try_authtok

-session optional   pam_loginuid.so
-session optional   pam_elogind.so
session  sufficient pam_unix.so

I'm not quite sure why the two optional lines there start with '-'
(it's a file, not a diff).

My own is (hopefully) the same as in BLFS ?, without any mention of
pam_elogind.so which is instead in /etc/pam.d/elogind-user

# Begin /etc/pam.d/system-auth

auth      required    pam_unix.so

# End /etc/pam.d/system-auth


# Begin /etc/pam.d/elogind-user

account  required    pam_access.so
account  include     system-account

session  required    pam_env.so
session  required    pam_limits.so
session  required    pam_unix.so
session  required    pam_loginuid.so
session  optional    pam_keyinit.so force revoke
session  optional    pam_elogind.so

auth     required    pam_deny.so
password required    pam_deny.so

# End /etc/pam.d/elogind-user

Adopted by dwarfs, brought up by dwarfs.  To dwarfs I'm a dwarf, sir.
I can do the rite of k'zakra, I know the secrets of h'ragna, I can
ha'lk my g'rakha correctly ... I am a dwarf
           Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (in The Fifth Elephant)
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