Am 29.01.2018 um 19:03 schrieb Armin K.:
Even easier:

Download archlinux package from

Extract it somewhere, copy the mentioned library from extracted
location to /usr/lib, then recompile gmp per LFS instructions.
I did this, in a first step changing only and and rebooting the partition, in an attempt not to damage the system doing too much at once.
The result was :
1.) xfce4-terminal did not work anymore ( input/output error ), making  any compilations in tty terminals impossible. I have only xfce and therefore no kde-terminals. 2.) cups generated an error during booting: error while loading shared libraries: : wrong ELFclass: ELFCLASS64. I do not now, if compiling gmp inmediately after changing the libraries would have improved the situation, but beeing far away from my resources, I decided to stop the experiments until march.

Thanks also to Paul for his explanations:

> if one wants to build a "transportable" system one must be aware of the details of what one is building on, and > what one wants it to run on.

I will try to consider this in future, some "how to"' have been mentioned.

Again thank you very much to all of you !

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