I now play 3 kingdoms. My username on there is Tina.

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Travis Siegel
Sent: 20 January 2023 23:34
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: Muds was RE: [blind-gamers] coffeemud

The two I play the most are 3k.org 3000, and their sister mud 3scapes.3k.org 
3000, and of course alter aeon, which you probably already have (alteraeon.com 
Both of those muds have screen reader settings to make the mud easier to use.
Drop me a line if you loginto 3k or 3scapes, and I'll be happy to assist where 
I can.

On 1/20/2023 5:23 PM, Lindsay Cowell wrote:
Hi guys
Can anyone recommend any good muds?
Lindsay Cowell.     
Sent from Mail for Windows
From: Jude DaShiell
Sent: 20 January 2023 19:47
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] coffeemud
Bad experience in that mud.
For anyone intent on playing coffeemud I leave you with two tips.
First when going through mudschool, do not accept the quest you will be
offered.  Reason for that is dealer in land is impossible to find so the
quest cannot be completed.
Second, when you create a character for coffeemud create several since the
kill rate in that game is high at low levels and level 6 and below is a
low level.
This way as you retire failed characters, you can play another you created
earlier.  Yes this will mean lots of time in mudschool and a highly boring
experience for a long time but eventually you'll have all of the
characters you created graduate.
Another advantage of not taking the mudschool quest is you don't have to
start out in asGaard and can have your choice of any of the cities as each
character leaves mudschool
There's a dungeon in the center of the mudschool arena so if you can kill
everything in that dungeon and loot the bodies you'll have a little more
money when you graduate.  Money is hard to come by though you can bank it.
Avoid a short man with a clipboard since that's the tax collector.  The
tax collector floats around to different locations in the game too.
All my characters got killed and retired in coffeemud so I'll not be
playing that one for quite a while since it wasn't the best experience
with a mud I've had.  At least with nethack it doesn't take so long to
build a character before it gets killed not the case with coffeemud.
Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)

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