I have heard them, and have been aware of them since the 80's.
I can say this for sure, expensive and worth the money in the sound 
You may spend $2k and it will sound worth $4k.
They had a stupid dolby b that you couldn't turn off, in the earliest 
system. I doubt there is anything on it even remotely like that now.
Can't say about the working, go get your hands all over one of them and 
see if it will be right for you.

On Sun, 30 Aug 2009, Claudia wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have a Bose system, and if so, is it really all that they say it
> is?
> We're thinking about such a system, but we're wondering if it's worth the
> money?
> Also, are those systems very complicated in nature?
> Thanks.
> Claudia
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