> From: Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "The Fool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >A democracy that has over 50000 political prisoners, has ethnically
> >cleansed over 250,000 christians, over 260,000 sikhs, over 70,000
> >muslims, among others, disappeared people, forces people to vote, has
> >used use chemical weapons on it's own people (much like iraq), among
> >many things this 'fascist like' democracy has done.
> >
> >And yes I will eventually stop being lazy and finish my reply to that
> >person.  Up to 240k.
> Some of us have a maximum allowed size for their email accounts -- in
> case of Hotmail users, that would be 2 MB.  Given the volume of list
> is there any chance you might post that reply on a web page and just
post a 
> link to in on-list?  I have one un-used screen-name on AOL (I keep my
> account active for my father's use) that I would be willing to donate 
> (actually, I and my dad use 6 screen-names total, and can easily create
> 7th for your use).
> Thanks in advance,

I'm not gonna send it to the list.  I will send it to those who ask.  And
probably in parts.  As soon as I stop feeling lazy and actually finish
it.  I don't have any web pages that I can post to at the present time. 
There will be...nastyness.  Can't be helped.


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