At 05:01 AM 1/24/2003 +0000, you wrote:
On 23 Jan 2003 at 19:33, Deborah Harrell wrote:

> "In his 2001 book, "The Skeptical Environmentalist,"
> Danish statistician Bjoern Lomborg said concerns about
> melting ice caps, deforestation, acid rain were
> exaggerated. He claimed that the global environmental
> situation was not deteriorating.
> The book was translated into a dozen languages and
> generated criticism from environmentalists worldwide.
> The Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty said
> Tuesday that the 350-page book "is clearly in
> violation of the norms for good scientific behavior."

..precisely what I said on the list during ye great debate and was
flamed off the list for several months for doing so.

Told. You. So.



You told us? Told us what? That you believe that scientific inquiry should be based on behavior and not facts? That a Committee can pass judgement on a book without disproving any facts in that book? That someone who has a dissenting view shouldn't have a voice?

Yeah, you told us. Told us about yourself and your beliefs.

Kevin T.
Simon wants to speak to you


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