--- Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of those allies, however, is sending 30,000
> troops, several hundred
> tanks and APCs, an aircraft carrier, a helicopter
> carrier, a few
> landing support ships, a task force of other
> warships, several
> squadrons of fighters and bombers...
> Rich, who doesn't quite see how acting without UN
> sanction to make Iraq
> obey UN resolutions works.

Britain, of course, being a real ally.  Britain will
be with us in this, with or without UN sanction -
except that point is meaningless, because we've _got_
UN sanction.  A unanimous vote of the security
council, in fact.

At which point, exactly, do y'all stop genuflecting to
the UN?  Hussein is in violation of how many UN
resolutions, exactly?  10?  15?  If the UN doesn't
take _itself_ seriously enough to actually bother to
enforce those resolutions, then why do you?  President
Bush, Tony Blair, and John Howard appear to be just
about the only three heads of government in the world
who actually think the UN is worth preserving, instead
of just being a laughingstock debating society.


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