Jon Gabriel wrote:
> >From: "Reggie Bautista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: L3  Re: Your Favorite SciFi/Fantasy Movie Soundtrack?
> >Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 13:59:27 -0600
> >
> >Talking about Star Trek: The Motion(less) Picture (sorry
> >for the cheap shot, I'll get back to it near the end of
> >the email), I wrote:
> >
> <snipped a very long and somewhat fascinating post that I will probably
> respond to at length as soon as I'm able>
> But first, this cheap shot:
> L3?!?   9K?!?
> It's just a TV show!
> Get a life, people!
> Move out of your parent's basements!

1)  If I'd had the time, I might have done something just as long.  I
haven't had time to respond to José's original request, much less write a
dissertation on ST movies.

2)  There are lots of things that are "just a TV show" that are still worth

3)  I never lived in anyone's basement.  I never lived with my parents after
college.  I'm presently living in a very nice house with my husband and my
son (see, that's the time sink!), and we don't even *have* a basement,
unless you count the roughly 8'X4'X4' storm shelter embedded in the
foundation.  Not very much room for living on a day-to-day basis, although
in the very extremely unlikely event that the weather gets really, really
bad, it could be something of a lifesaver.  (But I think that the more
likely scenario is that the people down the hill have to flee their houses
due to flooding, and maybe a couple end up crashing with us, since there
would have to be an *awfully* big flood for it to affect us that badly.)

4)  Define "a life".  :)


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